Your Daughter Gets Sick in Harry's Car

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Things to help you picture the story easier:

(d/n is age 3/Dunkirk Harry era/His wife is at work)

d/n = daughters name

Edited on: 8/14/21

Harry and d/n had went out to the shops together. Everything was going fine. She loved hanging out with her daddy because she felt safe and loved. Harry loved d/n more than life its self and protected her at all cost. He hated to see her cry. He hated to see her sick. But sometimes the inevitable happens and we as humans can't control it. Just like getting sick. Yes, we can wash our hands frequently and cough in our elbows, but when it comes to our stomachs, we have little control over that. Especially when it's a three year old.

D/n sat in the backseat of Harry's Range Rover on there way home from the shops, when she began to feel her little tummy start to hurt. Beings as she's only three, she didn't connect the stomach ache she had with being nauseous, but she knew it was hurting. She begin to rub her poor tummy until she couldn't take it anymore. D/n had to tell her daddy.

"Daddy." d/n says lowly, in her cute British accent.

"Yes my love?" Harry questions back.

"My tummy willy hurts!" she replied, unable to pronounce her R words properly.

"Do you feel like you're going to be ill?" her daddy asked.

Just as Harry asked d/n that question, she bent over the best she could and threw up all down her legs and onto the car floor. She's only gotten physically sick one other time, besides being a baby, so because this felt like a new experience for her, it scared her tremendously. As she continued to puke in her lap, Harry pulled over on the side of the road as fast as he could.

"Shit!" Harry yells out of concern, not anger. "Its alright my love. Hold on. Daddies coming."

Harry puts the car in park and quickly steps out to open her car door.

D/n starts crying hard and says, "I'm sorry daddy. I made a mess."

"It's alright d/n. You couldn't help it sweetie. Here lets get you out."

Harry unbuckles the straps to her car seat and picks her up to place her over the grass. He didn't think twice about picking up his sweet d/n, even though she was covered in vomit. He cared about her well-being over anything. He holds her to where her back is pressed against his chest, with one arm around her tiny torso. She leans forward and starts to puke again in the grass.

"You're okay. Let it out baby girl. That's it. Shhhh." her daddy coos gently.

In her sweat and innocent voice, she replies, "I don't like this daddy. My tummy hurts."

"I know darling. But it's okay. You'll feel better soon."

When she was finished puking, Harry wiped her little mouth with a napkin and takes all her clothes off, except for her princess panties. Being as discreet as possible since they were still in public. He cleaned what he could of her car seat so she could ride back home safely. Then he placed her back in her seat, buckles her up, and drove away.

"If you feel sick again my love, its okay baby. We will be home in just a minute and me and you will take a bath to get nice and clean. Then I'll cuddle you in bed until you feel better." Harry says in a sweetly manner.

5 minutes later-

When they arrive home, he pulls her out of her seat and carries her in the front door. Harry's wife was at work so they were they only ones home. Harry walks straight to the bathroom and gets them ready for a bath. At the age d/n is, it's still expectable for her to take a bath with her daddy. She is too innocent to think anything about the situation being weird or inappropriate.

Harry turns the tub on and strips both of their vomit covered clothes off, then steps into the tub with little d/n in his arms. He washes her body gently with a soft washcloth and scrubs the chunks of barf out of her hair, getting her body fresh and clean.

"Just sit there while daddy washes his body okay? Then we'll get out and get under the cozy duvet on mummy and daddy's bed." Harry says to d/n.

Once finished in the bath, he dries both of them off with a fluffy towel, and puts some boxers on himself while putting a pair of panties on d/n. Then they walk out the bathroom and go over to the bed.

He places d/n in the middle of his and his wife's king size bed, so she doesn't fall off, and goes out and fetch a bucket incase her belly feels sick again. Once back, Harry sets the bucket on the floor and crawls under the duvet with his poor little d/n.

"Here love. Come lay on daddy's chest." Harry requests in a whispered tone.

She does what her daddy says and Harry strokes over her back, soothing her to sleep. Eventually, he hears soft snores coming from her tiny mouth and fanning over his neck. Once Harry knows for sure she's asleep, he drifts off to sleep as well.

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