Innocent Shaving to Intimate Sex (SMUT)

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Things to help you read this easier:

(Any Harry era/8 months pregnant/Married for 2 years)

Harry is in bed answering emails on his laptop when he hears you call for him from the bathroom. You are in the bath tub trying to relax and help some of the pain you're experiencing due to your pregnant belly. Like the back pain and swollen feet. But then you got the idea that you wanted to shave. Soon you realize it would be a lot more difficult than you anticipated. You can't reach your legs and you defiantly can't reach your vagina. The last time you shaved, you were a bit smaller so it wasn't as much of an issue. Now going on a month of not shaving, your body is all prickly and you can't take it anymore. So that's why you called your husband to the bathroom. To see if he'll help you even though you were a bit timid to ask. I mean shaving someone else in their most private parts is a little weird you think to yourself, so what if Harry finds it gross. 

Seconds later, Harry walks through the bathroom door in only a pair of grey jogging bottoms. "Yes my love? Are you alright?" his voice echoes against the bathroom walls.

"Ummm, could like maybe....I don't know," you pause for a moment then spit the rest out, "help me shave? You know down there and maybe my legs." 

"Yeah of course." Harry says with no hesitation in his voice. 

"Really?" you ask shyly.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not gross if you are thinking that. It's hair. Hair isn't gross. That's why I don't ever care if you shave or not. Full bush or baby smooth. Prickly legs or silky smooth. I don't care and you know that." Harry rants on and on while stripping off his pants and boxers, leaving him naked in front of you with a limp cock dangling down.

Once he's fully nude, Harry steps in the tub, directly across from you, and places his long legs by each of your hips. "Alright, sit on the edge of the tub for me and spread open." Harry demands of you. You reach for his hands to help you stand up safely and he carefully pulls you up with his muscular arms and guides you where exactly to sit. "Now be careful and don't let your bum slip off. If you need balance, hold onto my shoulders." 

After you have perched yourself nicely on the ledge of the white porcelain tub, Harry reaches for the lavender scented shaving cream and shakes the bottle for a second or two. Then he positions himself in front of your spread legs. He picks up the razor you dedicate to pubic hair and squirts some shaving foam into the palm of his left hand. "You ready?" Harry asks calmly, with a subtle smile. You nod down at him, letting him know he may begin. 

He scoops some of the shaving cream onto his pointer and middle finger and brings it up to your hairy pussy. Then he gently smears the foam over the entirety of the vaginal area and down the crack of your ass. His touches are forcing you to concentrate on keeping your legs spread for him because all you want to do is snap your legs together and he isn't even touching your most sensitive spot. It's just no matter where Harry touches your body, you get extremely tingly all over. So him touching your pussy in a not inherently sexual way, it's still turning you on a bit but you're trying really hard not to make this a sexual experience but god your pregnancy hormones are fucking with you. 

Harry now has your whole pussy covered in white shaving cream, so he dips the razor in the warm bath water and brings it up to your foam covered pubic hairs. Then he gently runs the razor with the grain of hair, from the bottom of your huge stomach, down the sides of your pussy lips. Harry makes sure to guard your lips with his left hand to keep them safe from the blades. You look down and you can't help but smile contently at the view. Well it's not much of a view because you're unable to see his hands at work on your pubic hairs, but you can see Harry's face. He has a look of deep concentration written all over it. Every once in a while he'll glance up to make sure you're doing alright.

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