Your ASMR Secret

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AN: so this is partly based on me in real life. i'm a big lover of ASMR and have been falling asleep to it for about 5 years now. people love to make fun it because they only see the cringy ASMR videos when in reality, they're way more videos out there that are truly calming. i can't sleep without it playing and thought of this idea and decided to execute it. hope you enjoy.

This story contains: talks of sex, pure fluff

{ boyfriend!harry - Fine Line Harry era }

word count: 1120

You confess why you can't sleep over with your boyfriend Harry and he helps you out with your situation.

You love your boyfriend Harry. You've been dating for about six months and everything is going great. He's a very affectionate and gentle lover and that you're thankful for. The sex you have is great and Harry always makes you feel so safe and loved while doing it. But there is one thing that you've yet to do as a couple and that is sleep together. Like sleep in the same bed for six to eight hours, cuddled up all cozy under the duvet.

It's not that you don't want to share a bed with Harry. You truly do because you already know how good of a cuddler he is when you're awake. So you can only imagine how soft and warm he is when he's sleeping. Where the problem lies is that you have a ritual you do every night before sleep and you kind of find it embarrassing. You don't want Harry to find out and judge you. What's the embarrassing ritual you ask? Well, for the past couple years, you haven't been able to fall asleep without listening to ASMR on YouTube.

Many people think ASMR is weird or sexual but you don't think so at all. It helps you calm down and take your anxiety away. You only like certain types of ASMR triggers as well. You dislike any ear licking or aggressive tapping. You much prefer to listen to soft whispering and slow, gentle sounds. You've secretly been watching ASMR for a long time and by staying the night with Harry, it would break your routine up and you're unsure how you'd feel about that or if you'd even be able to fall asleep without having ASMR playing in your wireless headphones.

But as your relationship grows stronger, you want more than anything to stay the night with Harry, especially after sex. You often feel hazy after sex but always force yourself to get dressed and leave anyways, making up a dumb excuse as to why you can't sleep over. You can tell that Harry is disappointed each time you leave after sharing intimacy and it almost breaks your heart to see him like such.


Harry and yourself lay in bed, panting from freshly having an orgasm. You're laid on top of his chest as it heaves and you can feel his cum dripping out of your vagina and onto his thigh that's under you. Normally this is about the time you'd get up and began to leave and Harry realizes this. He wants more than anything for you to stay in his bed and hold you tight as you sleep. Wake up to your body pressed to his. Therefore having hope he can persuade you, Harry mutters while still out of breath, "Please stay the night. Want to hold you, love. You'd keep me so warm."

"I can't." you shortly reply back.

"Why not? Do you have a snoring problem I should be aware of? Do you kick in your sleep or something? I have an extra toothbrush in my bathroom for you. I'd even make us pancakes in the morning." he questions aloud.

You lift your head a bit and look at Harry's face before saying, "Its embarrassing though. You might make fun of me."

Harry's facial expressions change to soft and caring and brings his hands to cup your face before retorting sweetly, "Baby, I'd never make fun of you. I love you alot. Whatever the reason is, I'll understand."

"Okay, umm.... well I kinda can only fall asleep listening to ASMR videos. They help me relax and take my mind off things." When you finish your explanation, you pull your head back down and shove your face into Harry's exposed neck. You don't even know why you're so embarrassed by this confession because its not like you're admitting to watching porn before sleep. Maybe its the stigma other people have put on ASMR that has you feeling shy now you've said it out loud.

Harry giggles then softly speaking, "Is that it? I thought you'd say something actually embarrassing. That's nothing to be ashamed of. I listen to ASMR when I'm feeling overwhelmed or sometimes when I have trouble falling asleep."

"You do?" you ask your boyfriend.

"Mhm, I do. I tell you what, how about I give you a first hand ASMR experience. Like I'll massage your scalp for you and I can whisper a sleep story in your ear. Calm you down. I know for sure you'd fall asleep shorty after."

Raising your head once again, you hesitantly agree with, "Okay. I'd been wanting to sleep over for a while now anyways but was too afraid to break my normal routine."

"You can listen to videos on your phone if you'd prefer. I wouldn't mind." Harry says and you love his effort of thoughtfulness.

"No, Harry. A scalp massage or a back scratch sounds heavenly right about now. I'm getting sleepy already by your calming voice."


You rolled off of Harry and he went to grab some towels to help clean your bodies up. Then after he helped dry you off and slipped you on some panties and himself in some boxers, he turned all the lights out and climbed back into bed with you. "Come here my love." Harry requests.

You roll back over and find a comfy spot on his chest. Your naked breast are pressed firmly to his tattooed chest. Nipples rubbing on his skin but its not anything sexual. You're both too sleepy to do anything more sexual tonight anyways. You lay your head on Harry's shoulder and he pulls the blankets over your bodies, resting them at the tops of your shoulder blades. Your legs are interwind and Harry reaches up and uses one hand to gently caress your head, massaging at your scalp, and his other hand glides up and down your bare back in a relaxing manner.

"Is this alright? Feeling sleepy?" Harry whispers beside your ear, making tingles shoot up your spine.

"Very nice Harry. So sleepy." you whisper back and your eyes begin to shut closed, sleep over taking your body.

"Good, go to sleep my darling. If you need me for anything, you can wake me up. I won't be mad. Just want you to feel as comfort as possible while staying at my house."

You soon fall asleep to the feeling of his rough fingers dragging through your hair strands and his other set of fingers sliding up and down your back, drawing random patterns. When he feels your breathing level out, he allows sleep to take over his body as well, relishing in the fact that you actually stayed the night and didn't run off after sex.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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