Riding Harrys Dick on a Toilet (SMUT)

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Things to help you read this story easier:

(You're married/Have kids/Fine Line Harry era)

Harry and I decided to spend Christmas at his mums house this year. Of course along with our three children. Our kids love Anne. They also loved Robbin when he was still alive. I don't have much family so staying with Harrys family made the most sense. Plus, I adored his family as well. I've been with Harry for 15 years and we have been married 8. So naturally his family is my family at this point. 

It's about three days until Christmas so we have been doing many different holiday activities. Today, we took our children to the mall to see Santa. Then, we drove through local neighborhoods to see Christmas lights. Lastly, we all dressed in our Christmas pajamas and set around Anne's family room to watch Christmas films. Our 2 year old daughter curled up in Harrys lap and our other two children snuggling with their gran. Then I was leaned on my husband Harrys side with my head on his left shoulder. Once the movie had ended, we decided it was time for bed. Harry took our 2 year old daughter, who was now asleep on his chest, to the guest room dedicated for all of the grandchildren. Our other 2 kids, ages 4 and 7, have convinced Anne to sleep with her, and of course she said yes. While Harry puts our youngest to bed, I go get in the bed we sleep in while we stay over at his mums house. It's smaller than the one we have at home, but we make it work. 

Though I loved staying with Harrys family, there was a lot I hated. Like the fact we couldn't sleep in our underwear like we do at home. Or the fact we haven't had sex in a week. Harry and I usually have sex at least every 3 days and even the days we don't, we still get each other off in some way. But here we couldn't even masturbate. It was killing me. It was killing us.  

I'm laying in bed scrolling on my phone when Harry walks into the bedroom shutting the door quietly after placing our toddler in bed. I look up and smile, admiring just how sexy he looked. He didn't even have to try to look hot but he did. Especially with that tight white t-shirt over his tattooed chest and those red flannel pajama pants covering his tan legs. Just looking at him made me wet. Harry turns the lamp off and crawls into bed next to me, bring my body into his. I turn my phone off and set it on the nightstand, then cuddle back into his body. 

It's pitch black in the room now. The only thing I can hear is our breathing and the snow falling out our window. Both Harry and I are on our sides facing each other with one of my legs thrown on top of his and my face in his chest. He has his arms wrapped around my back with his face in my hair. I feel so relaxed in this moment. Always loving the way Harry holds me at night. But tonight, I was feeling much more than just relaxed. I was horny. I'm sure Harry is too but he hides it much better than I can. The throb between my legs is almost painful. I'm craving Harrys cock right now. The cock that gives me so much pleasure every time we have sex. The cock that looks straight out of a porno with how big and beautiful it is. The cock that gave us three wonderful children. The more I think about his dick, the more I realize how wet my panties actually are right now. It feels like I've just got my period except I know better than that because I'm on birth control. 

Subconsciously, I find myself rutting my crotch on one my husbands legs. I than realize what I did and stop immediately hoping he's a sleep and didn't notice my actions. But he felt it right way. 

Harry lifts his head up and whispers in a low deep voice, "What are you doing."

"Umm nothing." I reply feeling embarrassed.

"No you were trying to grind on my legs. You're horny aren't you?" he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. 

"Maybe. Look I'm not used to going this long with out sex Harry. I miss your cock." I whine. 

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