🌟Aiger Spends the Day with Valt🌟

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Aiger woke up early the next day. He got dressed and ran out the door, he skipped lunch because he knew Valt doesn't accept any excuses. When he made it to Valt's house he was about to knock on the door but Valt opened it. "You ready for the best day ever?" He asked in an excited tone.

Aiger nervously shook his head. How can he be this energetic at half-past 8? Valt squealed, grabbed Aiger by the arm, and raced off. "This is gonna be so fun!" He shouted. "Wait Valt slow down!" Aiger shouted, where were they going and why's he so excited?

When they neared the Theatre Aiger sighed, of course, a guy like him would be excited to see a movie. When they got to the ticket booth Valt turned to Aiger. "What movie do you want to go see?" He asked. This shocked Aiger, this kid wants to be friends that badly? He looked at the wall to see the movies that were showing, there were so many of them it was hard to choose one.

He pointed at a random one, Valt squinted his eyes. "Are you sure you want to see that movie?" He asked. Jeez, it's like this kid is psychic or something. He took another look at the movies, his eyes locked on to one, it had a picture of a knight. He immediately pointed at it. Valt purchased the tickets and they went inside.

When the movie was over they headed to the park. "So, how was the movie?" Valt asked, he looked at Aiger. Aiger was speechless, the movie was so great he couldn't find the words to explain it. Valt chuckled, "I'm gonna take that as a yes."

As they reached the park Valt tapped Aiger on the shoulder, saying "tag", and ran off. Aiger smirked and scampered after him. They chased each other for 3 hours before collapsing to the ground, gasping for air. When they were able to catch their breath they took a walk around the park.

"How am I doing so far?" Valt asked. Aiger placed his hands behind his head, "You're off to a good start." Valt chuckled and wrapped an arm around him, "Just good?" Aiger's heartbeat pounded in his ears and his cheeks turned a bright shade of red, he couldn't look at the boy.

"L-Lets just get on with the day." He replied in a quiet tone. Valt smiled, "Did you just stutter?" Aiger's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, "No, you're just imagining things!" Valt laughed, he liked this side of Aiger. Valt looked at Aiger, he didn't see it at first but now that he got a good look at him he looks kinda cute.

Valt held his hand and they walked to the beach, Aiger wanted him to release his hand but he liked holding Valt's hand. When they made it to the beach they walked into the water. When the water reached their knees Valt tackled Aiger and they fell into the water.

"Valt, get off me!" Aiger shouted, trying to pry Valt off of him but when their eyes met he stopped trying. Aiger's heart was pounding in his chest as a warm feeling washed over him. His vision blurred and his mind went fuzzy as he felt something warm touch his lips.

Aiger's body went limp. He felt something warm touch his hip and it felt so impossibly good he couldn't help but moan. The warm feeling left him as he was brought back to earth. Valt's figure came into view as his vision cleared up. When he was able to think again his face was redder than a tomato. "Did...we just..." His voice trailed off.

Valt nodded. They did it, they kissed. Aiger ran a hand through his hair, how in the world is he gonna explain this to his mother? He was starting to freak out when Valt felt his cheek. In an instant, his mind cleared up, and the warm feeling returned.

Aiger looked at Valt. When he saw his warm smile all his worries disappeared. Aiger felt light as he was lifted into the air. He fell to the ground as he felt something touch his lips.

Something warm moved under his shirt and it felt so impossibly good he couldn't help but moan, even though he tried not to. This went on for 5 minutes before Aiger realized who it was that was touching him. When he felt Valt's hands move lower he stopped them, he had to stay in control. He doesn't want to re-create the incident with his father when he was young.

If you want me to dedicate a chapter to the incident comment "yes" here.

"Aiger, what's wrong?" Valt asked. It's not Aiger's fault, he wanted to continue as well but if he doesn't want to lose it like last time. Valt planted kisses on his neck, cute moans escaped Aiger's lips. He pushed Valt away, "I can't do this." He said clearly.

Valt sat up, lifted Aiger, and positioned him on his lap, "Are you sure?" Aiger felt something grab his rear and his back arched from the pleasure. He had a lustful face and he let out a big moan. He realized what he said and he blushed. "Valt, let me go," He warned.

Valt's hands moved up his back, "Why?" Aiger could feel his urges growing. if Valt doesn't stop now Aiger won't be able to control himself. "Valt, I'm not playing around, stop it." He said, raising his voice a little. His hands disappeared into Aiger's pants. "Valt, stop it!" He said, raising his voice a little more.

He felt Valt's hands grab something and that's when he lost it. He grabbed his hands and he punched his shoulder, shouting stop. When he realized what he did he stood up and ran off without saying a word, tears streaming from his eyes.

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