🥂The Date with Valt Aoi🥂

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The next few weeks went by smoothly. What was that...you want to know what happened during said few weeks? Well, I'm glad you asked! If we're being honest, I was gonna explain anyway but I'm glad to see that you're enthusiastic about this.

During those few weeks, Aiger would meet with Valt and they would head off to school together. They would pass each other papers containing flirty messages in class or if they pass each other in the hallway. During lunch, they would smooch(yes, I said it) a little in the bathroom but that rarely happens(they almost got caught once but were able to cover it up). After school, it was either Aiger walks Valt home or Valt walks Aiger home.

This has been going on for a few weeks and no one suspects a thing. Aiger has been thinking about asking Valt put but every time he would either spook himself and not ask or a friend would get in his way and he wouldn't get the chance, but today was different.

Today was Saturday and Valt contacted him, asking if he wanted to do anything. Aiger gathered up all of his courage and typed the four most nerve-racking letters, d-a-t-e, in that order. It didn't take long for Valt to respond but when he did Aiger had to step away from his phone.

Valt's response was the letters, s-u-r-e, in that order. Aiger was so happy he felt like he could take on 100 opponents at once, maybe 1,000. He took deep breaths to calm himself and responded with "ok". Aiger placed his phone on the desk and got ready, the day hasn't even started and Aiger feels like it was gonna be a good day.

As he made way for Valt's house his excitement was replaced with nervousness, the feeling grew every step he took. When he was at Valt's door he hesitantly knocked on the door. Valt rushed to the door and opened it. "Ready?" He asked. Aiger gulped, this was gonna be harder than he previously thought. When he nodded Valt smiled, punching the air. "This is gonna be so epic!" He blurted out loud.

Since Aiger was the one that asked he was gonna pick where they were heading. He forgot to eat breakfast so they headed to a nearby fast-food joint. After they ate they went to the park where they played tag for a bit.

Exhausted, Valt collapsed to the ground, Aiger laid beside him. "Man...that was fun," Valt said, panting. Aiger nodded, he couldn't speak because he was panting too much.

When they were able to breathe again they went to see a movie. It took them a while to pick one because they wanted to see different movies but they settled on one that had the picture of a man aiming a gun at them. The movie looked exciting and it was bound to have a few explosions in it and they weren't disappointed. Half-way through the movie, Aiger was caught off-guard by an unexpected explosion and he yelped. Throughout the rest of the movie, Valt couldn't help but snicker.

After the movie, they went out to eat. "How's it going so far?" Aiger asked. Valt opened his mouth to say something but he burped instead. Aiger smirked and he burped obnoxiously. "Alright, you're on!" Valt said with a determined look. they took turns burping, trying to one-up each other. I want to say who won but I don't want it to look like I'm playing favorites so I'm gonna say it was a tie. When they were finished with their little burping contest Valt paid for the food and they headed for the beach.

On their way there Aiger saw that Valt was drinking some water thought it was funny to make Valt laugh. He caught him off-guard with his monkey face. "No fair-" he whined, "-I wasn't ready!" Aiger smiled, "Whatever, a win's a win." They neared the beach when Valt saw an outfit; he froze in place, he had an idea. When Aiger saw what he was looking at the same idea popped into his mind, and he didn't like it.

Before he could tell Valt off Valt was already heading into the store. He bolted into the store and saw Valt entering the dressing stall. When he arrived at the stall Valt exited the stall, wearing the outfit. Aiger's cheeks flushed, it was a black short-sleeved shirt with a pixelated alien on the center with a Galaga-themed mini skirt attached to it. Valt's headband was replaced by two black rubber bands.

"Well...do you like it?" Valt asked, twirling in the process. Aiger nodded, Valt chuckled and he pointed to an outfit that was similar to his, Aiger's cheeks flushed. "No way." He said sternly. "Oh come on, please?" Valt pleaded. "No," Aiger retorted. "For me?" Valt asked quietly, giving him the cute eyes. Aiger growled, he hates it when Valt gives him the cute eyes. What's worse is that he used his cute voice this time.

He sighed in defeat, grabbed the outfit, and entered the stall. He came out 5 minutes later, wearing the outfit. It was the same as Valt's but the shirt was white with a pixelated pony on it and the skirt was a pink sheer skirt with a flower design going across, he also removed his headband and went for the double ponytails. "Are you wearing it?" Valt asked. Aiger didn't understand at first but a few eyebrows flashes from Valt and he understood what he meant. His cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, "NO WAY! NA-UH! I'M NOT DOING THAT!!" He shouted.

Valt pouted. What was worse than Valt using the cutie eyes is when he makes the pouty face(call me a kid if you want to, I don't care). He has no idea why but every time he makes a pouty face he couldn't help but feel guilty. Aiger growled and went back into the stall to try on THAT. When Aiger came out nothing changed about his appearance, well at first glance. After they got dressed they went to check out. At the counter, the cashier proposed the Buy 1 get 5 free deal. They ended up leaving the store with twelve different themed versions of their outfits.

Valt didn't wait, he grabbed Aiger and ran into a nearby bathroom where they changed into the outfits they previously tried on, they even changed their hairstyles. Even though Aiger was embarrassed he liked the new look.

On their way to the beach, Valt couldn't help but feel like they were being watched. He shook the feeling because there were a lot of people around them and who could resist this? Some would say that they be looking kinda THICC!!! (Sorry, couldn't help myself)

When they made it to the beach Valt began to jump up and down, unaware that he's not wearing pants under the skirt, Aiger's not wearing pants either but he knew that. When Balt stopped jumping Aiger ran ahead saying "Bet you can't catch me!" They chased each other for a bit when a brilliant idea popped into Aiger's mind.

"Hey Valt, I have an idea," Aiger said. He motioned Valt to lean in and whispered the plan to him(I'll explain the plan in the comments). When Aiger was done explaining a smile grew across Valt's face.

When he spotted a man sleeping on the sand Valt walked over to him and stood over his head, revealing that. "Excuse me, sir-" he said in a feminine tone, the man woke up and nearly freaked when he saw what Valt was wearing under his skirt. "Can I lay here?" Valt asked. He nodded and Valt sat beside him. He sat there for five seconds before he caught the stranger staring at him. He cleared his throat and spoke in his normal voice, "So how's your day been?"

The stranger jerked up at the realization that he wasn't a girl, Valt couldn't help but laugh, the stranger laughed with him. Aiger and Valt spent the rest of the afternoon pranking people, tricking them into thinking they were females. Sometimes they would flirt with them.

As they were sitting on the sand watching the sunset Valt felt like they were being watched again. Aiger rested his head on his shoulder. "Today was great." He said softly, Valt wrapped an arm around him. "Yeah, it was."

They looked at each other and passionately kissed. They kissed for five seconds before parting. "Let's head home," Valt suggested. Aiger nodded and Valt walked him home, little did they know someone was secretly watching them from the shadows.
And he was gonna tell everyone.

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