🤐 Our Little Secret 🤐

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"Valt...I need to tell you something," Aiger said, breaking away from Valt's hug. Valt looked at him, what was he gonna tell him? His nerves skyrocketed as he stood there waiting.

Aiger took a deep breath in, this is by far the toughest challenge he had ever faced. Aiger didn't fancy explaining his feelings, doing this would push him way out of his comfort zone. Regardless he had to tell Valt. Even if he didn't want to tell him, the look on his face told Aiger that was too late.

"Ever since I met you I hated you from the bottom of my heart, but who could blame me? I mean, you would never mind your own business and you would annoy me half to death. But as I got to know you I realized that there was more to you than I thought and as I got to know you, that hatred turned into something else..." He held Valt's hands, "...it was love. Now, I'm not good at expressing my feelings so I'm just gonna say it...Valt, I love you."

Valt had no words, how was he gonna come up with a better speech? He's just gonna explain how he feels and just hope that everything turns out okay. "I love you too. Every time I see you a weird feeling washes over me, I don't know what it is but I like the feeling. And every time I'm near you that weird feeling is replaced by a warm one. I never wanted to tell you because I was afraid that you would reject me." Valt lowered his head.

"That's the same reason why I didn't tell you," Aiger said with a smile. Valt looked at him and they both had a good laugh. When they were able to control themselves Valt shot up. "I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL MY FRIENDS ABOUT THIS!" He said excitedly.

When he didn't hear Aiger he turned to him and saw his worried face. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to him. Aiger sighed, "I don't think you should tell anyone." Valt was taken back by this. "What! Why?" He whined.

"I'm not ready for the school to know that we're a thing," Aiger replied sternly. "But I want to tell my friends." Valt cried out, he had no idea what the word "gay" meant, let alone what others would think of him if he told everyone that he has an unofficial boyfriend.

"If anyone knew that you and I were a thing I would never hear the end of it. Not to mention what our parents would say about this. What makes it even worse is that the school thinks you and I are dating and I'm being picked on for that, you approving that belief will only make it worse." Aiger said, placing a hand on Valt's shoulder.

Valt never thought of it like that but now that he has it does make sense. When Valt nodded Aiger pulled him in for a warm hug. "Thank you for understanding Valt." He said quietly, tightening his grip. "No, thank you...for helping me see," Valt replied.

Don't worry, I'm making another part right after this.

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