Part 4

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I woke up to Ned's face hung directly over mine, with a smile gripping his dimpled cheeks. I felt my cheek pinched in between his gloved fingers, seeming like he was examining my face. I groaned and forced my eyes open, wincing at the examination light overhead. "Ah, you're awake!" He let go of my cheek and scribbled on a piece of paper, and consciousness flooded my brain like a storm drain.

"How long have I been out, is Peter ok?" Ned breathed, "You've been out for a solid week, and before you start worrying about your boyfriend we need to discuss how we're going to fix your lungs." I opened my mouth to reproach from the boyfriend compliment, blushing coarsely, but then shut up to listen just to get it over with, sighing. My lungs felt nearly petrified with the most agonizing pain, so much so breathing even shallowly was a struggle.

"What're you options, doctor?" I grimaced. "Well, we could either vacuum your lungs of the contents, replace your lungs, or go through a special therapy." I raised my hand, sat up and stroked at a knot in my shoulder. "I'll have to think about this." Ned smiled. "You'll have to chose today or your lungs may get infected, though I do understand. So many options, so little time! Ha ha!" Peter's very face stained my vision everytime I closed my eyes. "How's Peter," I grimmly sighed with a ferocious blush burning at my cheeks.

"He's doing quite vell now. He's a sleeper, I vill tell you zhat!" Ned explained, trailing bits of his german accent into his speech. You can see him if you wish, but he will have to come to you. The more you vork your lungs at zhe moment, the faster an infection may take place. The medigun can't keep an infection avay forever, unfortunatly." "He isn't my boyfriend though, just a brief friendly reminder," I half-growled under my breath. Ned let a giggle slip from his lips and spoke softly, "If you zay zo. I'll be right back, von't be long!" He sang as he stepped out of the room.

I sighed and laid back again. Everything was sore, it felt worst than the first day as a mercinary. Killed three times. Then sore in all nooks and crannies from struggling to stay alive against the near-fourth; I truly believed I was in hell. I closed my eyes and saw the worn Aussie himself. Wide smirk. Shaved cheeks with sideburns. Hypnotic blue eyes. The very man kinda made me thinking a lot, all because he's got it all down. The burning sensations tingled and danced of my cheeks.

Ned and Peter walked into the room a couple minutes later. Peter looked at me once and his eyes widened like an owls. "Bloody hell, why is he so pale?" Peter gasped, and took my hand. "Mineral deficiencies. And that he's been on that medigun for a veek. Nothing much else I could do vith him in a coma the whole time," Ned shrugged. "Excuse me, I was in a FUCKING COMA." Ned giggled "Ah yes, for a week. I'll leave you two alone." Peter shook his head and watched Ned leave.

Peter whispered curses under his breath, presumably about the ignorant ex-doctor. "At least I'm awake," I shuddered. Peter groaned and rolled his eyes. "He could've done a better job at keeping you at your highs though. I should-" I pressed a finger to his lips and he immediately stopped speaking. Those mesmerizing eyes pierced my own, and he sighed. I tangled my own fingers in his and rasped, "How are you feeling Peter?" A little blush crept up his cheeks and gushed, "Better than when my favorite spot was blown up."

I let a smile grip my face, sighed and wheezed. Peter smiled back, peering at me with deep concern. "I hope whatever your doing for treatment works out." We locked gazes when he finished that sentence. "Jay, I've been wondering mate, have ya ever felt funny when you're around me?" Uh oh. The burning on my cheeks was back, and I even felt it on my ears this time. He could see the answer right on my face. I wasn't ready to tell Peter how really felt for him. How I fell for him.

"Uh, well..." Peter shushed me this time and smirked, which turned me on a little. "I'll take that as a 'Yes Peter, but I'm an enemy spy.' Well, guess what I found out. Well, what everyone found out technically. The announcer ended calling a truce for the teams. The two teams can converse now," he nudged me. Holy shit, that was really hot. We both were blushing and locked gazes again. This was it, Peter was going to kiss me. Peter looked at my lips then my eyes, as if asking. I blinked and without thinking, I grabbed his shirt to draw him close.

"I... It's gonna sound bizarre, but yeah," I quivered. He closed his eyes so I did the same. He slipped his wide, rough hand around my waist and pressed his chapped lips against mine. I felt absolute pleasure at the feeling. I wanted to stay there forever, but then I sharply choked at the lack of air from the deep kiss. Blush littered on both of our cheeks. Holy shit, I guess I'm gay, and apparently Peter is too.

"Kricky, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it for so long..." I didn't care, I shook my head side to side and pressed my own lips onto his. I didn't want to stop. He pulled away and shrieked, "Watch it, you're trying to choke yourself ya bloody mongrel." I widened my eyes and glared at him, his entire face was bright red. I shrugged, only to mutter: "I guess we were both enjoying it?" He gazed at the corner of the room and pulled his hat over his eyes. "I-I did, but this is a first time thing for a lot of people, I'm not experienced in this at all!"

I pecked him on the cheek and embraced him. I swear, he was muscular as hell under that baggy shirt; I stroked my hand through his hair and across his chest to feel old stitches. "You're pretty good at kissing anyway, maybe better than me." He turned to me. The fucking eyes, I'll tell you. He wrapped his arms around to hug back. He sighed, "Are we a couple?" "Dumb question, bushman. I'm pretty sure we both know the answer that."

He pulled me close again, but as we were about to kiss for the third time, Cole peeked into the room with a beer in one hand. He looked like he was kicked back with Tarry moments ago. He glared for a second, then left 'Ah its probably not.' Was followed up with his exit. "Hopefully he was drunk," Peter chuckled, messing with his hair. I couldn't get enough of Peter's presence, I hugged him tightly and buried my face into his shoulder; I was in paradise, not willing to leave.

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