Part 1

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Peter's POV

Long of day of blowing holes into enemy skulls, occasionally landing body shots. There was three jars of piss sitting in the corner of the cramped room I sat in, with with three crates that also occupied the space. One contained ammunition, one contained supplies and the one I sat on. I sipped my bitter, cold coffee and sighed, I always wondered when the endless cycle of killing sometimes getting killed would end. I pondered for a split second into a reality only seen in my mind, where I lived a normal life. I feared few things, but I didn't trust that respawn system to well; the respawn system has been acting up lately, my team's spy and the Red's engineer have both died this week but never respawned.

Being snapped back into reality, a bullet pierced the old wood frame, inches from my face; the shot startled me so badly that I nearly peed myself. Hearing my grumpy ass voice letting out a grumble, I pulled the scope of my rifle to my eye to find whoever just attempted to take my life. I spotted my team's heavy, Bill, having a fit, he didn't look like he would calm down anytime soon. He too was on edge about the respawn system, though he couldn't help it he was only gonna make everyone else nervous about dying. If you ask me, his fit might even fright the Red team; the Blu medic, Aaron, tried to frantically calm him down. From my angle, it looked like Bill had been possessed by a wild beast, and completely lost control of his sanity. I loosened the grip of my rifle and sighed. "That's some shocking business right there," I mumbled. I unloaded my rifle and set it on the floor, then grabbed a set of binoculars to see what else was going on.

A little ahead of the commotion was the payload, a bomb that looked like what would drop out of a war jet, in a cart on train tracks. If the opposing team got the cart to the detonation zone, it would detonate by tracker and drop into the pit, giving the pushing team a point. As for the team that didn't push the payload, they tried to stop the explosion by stopping the opposing teammates from pushing; there was a timer on this gamemode, and if the pushing team didn't get the payload to the detonation zone before the timer ran out, the other team would get a point. A Blu scout, a medic and another sniper crowded the payload, observing what Bill was doing.

I sniffled and pointed my lens toward another part of the map. I spotted the enemy team's engineer, Benjamin, and my team's soldier, Randy. "Huh, what're you two fellows doin'?" The engineer smirked maliciously at the soldier and pecked his cheek and scuttled off. Now that was interesting, Blu engineer and Red Soldier, though I didn't see it coming. I snatched my notepad and flipped a few pages before scribbling what he'd just seen on the pale yellow paper. I chuckled to myself and whispered, "Wicked." I decided to kick back for a minute, but after placing my hat over my eyes a loud bang rang out in the map. I sat up quickly and grabbed my binoculars and peeked around this direction and that; I finally spotted the source of the racket, Tarry, the Red Demoman, blew up the enemy sniper, Alex, and ... a trumpet in hand? He played a sad note set and continued on, shaking his head. Tarry was a toxic basturd on the battle field, no joke. He'd have three bodies stacked on each other, get shot by the enemy team and somehow live, and it was astonishing that it happened more than once.

I dropped the binoculars in a joy-killed manner and laid back again; it was always boring when killing or surviving was the hot topic. I gazed at the wooden ceiling above me, listening to each second going by on my watch. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. It always felt refreshing after doing nothing, just like that, for a while. The match ended in seven minutes anyway, at this point we was wasting time winning or losing. My girlfriend was cheating me anyway, I've heard her getting in the rough on phone before anyway. Many times. I wanted to leave this place, dump her whore-ass, and start fresh. I was so emersed in my thoughts and the fantasy of the aftermath of this war bullshit. "Lost in your fantasy once again, bushman?" I heard the familiar voice of the Blu spy rasp. Right as he spoke words into he air my hand shot to my machete. I did not have time for the Blu spy, namingly Jay, to be surveying me as he always did. He was a very scandulous fella, and he pissed of my team a lot. The one thing that was kind of a turn on about Jay was that he has never killed me. Oh yes, I said turn on.

"Piss off, Jay. When are ya ever gonna swing around to do more than make fun of what I see future-tense?" I snapped at him. I was grumpy, and I wish I didn't be like that. There's a thing called 'not thinking before acting', and that certainly happened then. Though it doesn't excuse me from being a fucking asshole, I really regretted it. Jay only rolled his blue eyes and chuckled, "What's the matter, did someone tie your dick into a knot in your daydream?" I rubbed my forehead and nodded a no. "The scare of the possibilities get the best of ya sometimes, mate." Jay cocked his head and twirled his knife around his fingers. "Ha, you never listen to no one. And that makes twenty-three times now that you've ignored my simply followed advice. Blow it the fuck off." I cringed when he said 'fuck'. It was funny as hell when he says it, the way he says it was even better because his accent messed the pronounciation up every time. "I like hearing it from ya. It's relieving," I sighed.

I looked back and saw Jay blushing a little bit under his chapped mask; he had a few blood stains on his suit and a torn piece of fabric from his sleeve. "Oh, don't even think about saying it," he sighed. I giggled and exclaimed, "Why're ya blushing? Never gotten good feedback?" "O-oh, um... Considering that I'm the Blu spy, that literally is the biggest asshole between the two teams, not even suprised that I've never gotten a compliment." I sat up and exclaimed, "Not even in your life?" The man in the doorway dressed in navy blue nodded a no, and folded his arms. "Holy doley, there's quite a bit to compliment though." Jay sighed in disbelief and took a puff of his cigarette, then tossed it to the floor to put it out.

"All I know is that I'm a fucking asshole who's responsible for most of the respawn failures. Nobody wants me man," Jay said. "I want you around, you've never killed me. It's always made me wonder why, but I'm willing to wait longer to find out mate." I said those words, yet without thinking again. Jay peered at me with his lapis blue eyes, the eyes of a killer also pierced my heart like a cupid's arrow. "Are you sure? About both wanting me around and my reasons for not killing you?" I softly grinned and replied, "Yes." He blushed even worse when I said that. "Sniper, is there something you wanna tell me?"

Before I could answer his question, the announcer's voice yelled a booming "Attention Red and Blu teams, get to cover now! The bomb cart has malfunctioned and slid off the rails! The payload will detonate in less than fifteen seconds!" Both of us looked down at the map at both teams in panic, some rushing to places where the detonation wouldn't deal much damage and some running and looking all around for a place to hide. I immediately spotted the cart, slid off the rails and growled, "What the bloody hell? How did this even happen?!" Jay bit his lip and shivered, "Did you not hear the announcer?! Get the fuck down!" I didn't flinch, I kept looking for a possible source, maybe even Merasmus. Before the possibility of me finding something, Jay puts his arm around me and pulls both of us to the floor. We both hear an explosion, and go out cold.

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