Part 8

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Peter POV

It's been a week since I kissed Jay for the first time, my everyday routine was only slightly altered to check up on the slowly recovering spy; it was the most tender act of love I'd ever expirienced in my life, and will remain the most tender according to the days looking forward. Yesterday, he was finally fit enough to walk again, but not for too long; either way, I was so happy about the progress and so was he. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my van keys to go the nearby gas station and market. On the way through the occasionally splintered hallways, Benjamin and Alexis were chatting away, and then when they saw me they called me over.

"Heyya Peter! Me and Alexis have a thing to pick up at the market, goin' into town?" The Blu engineer asked. Alexis mumbled something to Benjamin, as the pyro did so Benjamin giggled under his breath. "Uh sure, you can hitch a ride... I'll let ya know when I'm ready to leave," I muttered. I walked to the kitchen to grab a bite before I left, meeting the Red heavy, Bill. The weary Russian was slowly munching on a sandwich and gazing at two pictures in between his fingers. I didn't care to glance at it at first, and snatched a carton of milk from the fridge. Then Bill sighed and muttered something in his native language under his breath as she stared longingly at the photos in his massive hand.

"Who's the lucky lady Bill?" I raised an eyebrow and teased. Catching him off guard, he nearly choked on his hearty snack and hid a picture by sliding it under the one on top. I glared at the one on the top and he sighed "Shasha- I miss using gun." He grinned an anxious and exhausted smile. I scrunched my nose and parted the two pictures, exposing the photograph of Ned under the first sheet of shiny paper. He groaned, "Doktor too," popping the last bite of his breakfast into his mouth. "Why you gotta picure of ye medic, Bill?" He looked out the window for a moment and then swallowed. "Something about Doktor bugs Heavy and makes curious. Can't figure out," the tired Russian rasped.

"Looks like you've been awake thinking about both things, Bill. You should take a quick rest and we'll have a drink later, ye?" Bill slowly nodded and smiled, then pat me on the back before leaving the kitchen. I let a quiet breath escape from my nose and searched the cupboard for some kind of cereal; I woke up late apart from the others, so I missed out on Cole's breakfast he'd prepared for the mercs. I found a raisin bran in the bottom of the many compartments, wasn't the worst thing I'd eat though. Shrugging it off, I poured the bland cereal into a bowl along with the milk. Suddenly when I turned, two slightly frail, formerly muscular arms wrapped around my chest, Jay's arms in particular. "Hey there, you handsome rogue," he spoke as the warmth instantly relaxed me. His very voice brought a flushed burning to my face, instantly covering my cheeks and ears in a cherry red.

I nearly dropped the cereal lost in the soothing sounds of guaranteed affection. Flashes of the kisses and sweet remarks I'd been given flashed through my mind for a brief moment. I shook the pleasuring thoughts away so I would pay attention to the Frenchman, then turned around to face him. "Heyya Spook, whatcha doin' out here, you better not be working yourself over," I poked. I swear, there were hearts lingering in his gorgeous blue eyes. "No no, I'm not wearing myself out. That would be rather foolish, especially with the progress in recovery I've surpassed," he studdered lavishly; leave it to Jay to be a hot fucker at any given time. "None of the less, I'm carrying ye back ya room love," I allured, kissing his forehead. "F-Fine," he wheezed.

I leaned on the island and ate the tasteless cereal, then Jay clung onto me like he was about to drop into the most dreadful pit. Between each bite, I realised the height difference between me and Jay. He was small compared to me, and Jay was averagely sized. Realizing this, I couldn't help but study the features of the spy while blushing and smiling helplessly. His face was buried in my chest, and he was breathing a bit shallowly. He was about to pass out again as he usually did when he was worn, so I put the unfinished breakfast on the counter and cradled the worn Frenchman in my arms. He sighed an cuddled deeper in my hold, which ultimately melted my heart and soul in a puddle of rather mixed affectionate emotions.

I walked him through the living room and hushed a yell to Benjamin and Alexis, "I'm getting in the van in a bit, wait out there if ya still want that ride?" Benjamin nudged the pyro and they both got up and left the room. I walked Jay up the stairs and out of a corner when I reached the top, an even skinnier arm than Jay's shot out to grab my shirt, making me quickly shriek. I glared at the arm, which was covered in old bandages leading to older robes. A face much like mine with smoldering lime green eyes glared at me with a smirk partially hiden under a scarf. "M-Merasmus," I growled, holding Jay away from the devious wizard who'd let go of me. "Hey woah there Peter, why're you so defensive?" Merasmus chortled wickedly, raising his hands in from of him innocently.

Merasmus was my older second cousin from my more elderly ancestors bloodline, who'd been pestering me about the use of dark magic that has corrupted him; ever since I was born, he'd been stalking me and trying to convince me of using the evils that made my stomach turn at the thought. Apperantly he'd been being creepy with a few of the other mercs too, as I've heard from gossip. "How's my favorite cousin doing? Got himself a boyfriend now, how sweet. But if I recall correctly, that's not very Christian of you. Oh pitty, another homosexual in the pits of hell..." the stubborn wizard muttered, and kept rambling about how I would die if I didn't use magic. I was annoyed of this wizardly magic talk I'd always get more than an ear of whenever I met with Merasmus.

"Wanka, why moi of all ya bloodline to use magic? Ye such a stupid, timewasting grandpa, and I'd rather eat dirt than listen to ya talk." Merasmus only raised and eyebrow and laughed at my retort, and chuckled, "Peter you have potential that nobody else in the family has." "Like putting up with ye annoying ass? Just leave m and my love be, I'm happy and you're magic had nothing to do with it." I insulted. Merasmus crossed his arms and jumped into the window frame and muttered over his shoulder, "You can live without the consequences you know. I'll be back and you will eventually turn to what benefits you most." The frail wizard leaped off the edge in a poof of lime green smoke. I could care less, I rolled my eyes and peered back down at Jay, snoozing peacefully in my arms.

I walked him to his room where Ned had been in, covered him with a sheet and pecked at Jay's slightly chapped lips. Ned put a hand under his chin and sighed at the wholesome sight. "I want ya to keep a close eye on em today, Doc." Ned nodded and smiled, "Alright, safe travels comrade." I twirled my keyring around my finger and walked to the building exit. The two teammates were waiting in the backseat, chatting away. I got into the driver seat, turned the keys and drove away. A small pit of anxiety itched at my chest, but I shook the thoughts away, listening to Benjamin's interesting conversation with Alexis.

A half hour later, I pulled up to the gas station and walked in with Benjamin. Alexis wanted to stay in the van, and fiddle with their lighter. I asked the clerk for six jerry cans and diesel for the van; I payed the well-known clerk graciously and walked out of the store while Benjamin grabbed some snacks. I stepped outside and immediately caught sight Merasmus glaring at me from across the worn street. Benjamin walked to my side with an armful of treats and peered at the tall wizard and muttered, "What's the fuckin' wizard doing here?" I shrugged and said "Couldja help me get some of the jerrys?" He nodded with a smile and skidded to van, opening the door of the back seat handing Alexis the goods he bought.

Benjamin brought two jerry cans to the back and I handled the other four. I opened the gas hatch and filled the tank. When I put the hose back on the hook, a rather pale lady with raven hair was peering at me from the back seat. Her cheek was stuffed with a candy bar and her green eyes were as wide as an owl's, staring straight back at me. I shrieked and rushed to open the door of my van. The lady had a blue pyro suit half off her well-built frame, but was ultimately speechless. "Al-Alexis?! Is that you??" I half-screamed, throwing my hands in the air like a crazed monkey.

Benjamin rushed to my side, and scolded as his eyes grew, "Aww shit, Alexis why were'nt ya careful?!" I stared at the short Texan and grunted, "You know who this is?" He mumbled, searching for words and scratched his head. "Guys, get your asses in the van before I'm seen. I'll explain to Peter what's happening," Alexis muttered. Both me and the Blu engie acted quickly upon her urgent wishes, I started the van again and drove towards town.

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