Part 11

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Benjamin POV:

It was rather foolish of me to assume that it would take months for Peter and Jay to get messy in their relationship, I was trying to sorta kick back and fix my sentry kit while talking to Alexis, Ned and Laurence; oh boy was I wrong, and maybe a bit jealous. The dust in the old but sturdy wood gave into gravity as it fell to the ground and you could hear them up there too. At least it wasn't too loud.

When we all first heard who was presumably Jay to moan upstairs, all four of us were in the kitchen. Ned reacted in a rather strange manner, he was sipping coffee and choked on it when he heard the noise. He even got a nosebleed, which was further strange because he rushed to the bathroom whilst trying to hide it. Otherwise, it wasn't too annoying to hear them having fun up there and we laughed it off and ignored it when I was working on my stuff.

"Pretty creepy of Merasmus to be stalking Peter the other day, I must admit. We were at the gas station not too far from here. He poofed outta nowhere. Crazy wizard shit, gotta say." Alexis exhaled. I remember that day like crystal, I remember making Alexis feel happy. She practically lived in her clothes I bought her, but she never left her suit anywhere else than on-hand. She didn't seem to have a problem with it but she needed more than one set of clothes, she deserved it for what weird bullshit she had to put up with involving Admin; that was a story for when we went into town again.

When I finished the tidying up on my blueprints and put everything where it belonged on my workbench. I took of my helmet and my glove, revealing my replaced mechanical hand. Ned's eyes glowed in enticement and exclaimed, "I haven't seen that thing in years, it still fascinates me to this day..." Alexis looked at my invention curiously, and prodded. "Huh, what happened to your hand?" I felt my face go blank, and shook the bad thoughts away. "Yep see ya guys around, I got shit ta' do."

I took off my hardhat and wiped my face of the damp sweat as I walked up the stairs. I realized that I was a bit hungry so I went to the kitchen to hopefully find some bacon or hot dogs to heat up. As I was about to enter the kitchen, an odd voice called me from the hallway on the right; with an oddly disturbing feeling tangled in my spine, I went towards the sound with a hand on my glove. When I turned the corner I met with the enemy heavy and soldier. Randy smirked in flipped doubts to my arrival amist his familiar voice, though Bill on the other hand looked rather shy for having a fully brawned appearance at the moment- but then I knew why. He was holding a daisy in his hand, staring at it. "A-ah, there you are," Bill stuttered.

I smiled, and asked out of curiousity, "Ah, who's that for Bill..?" "Doktor." He spat. I raised an eyebrow, and chuckled. "Hm, alright cowboy, go for it I guess-"  I was interrupted by a sudden gesture of the heavy holding the flower to me. "He wants you to give it to him. I don't see why Bill won't give it to medic himself but he on't budge or say anything about it either." Randy crossed his arms and glared at me.

"I can handle it I guess?" I sighed. "Can I go eat now?" "I don't know, can you?" Randy grinned. He possessed the amount of sexiness as a villian you'd see in a movie. It was too much for me, thank goodness I had my goggles on so neither enemy could see where my eyes were travelling. I itched at my ankle and waved, I was about to become a blushing mess. When I got upstairs, unfortunately, there was no bacon or hot dogs, but there was a can of beans that did the trick. After I finished my brunch, I went back up to my room upstairs to work on blueprints again. Well, more specifically, his. About an hour later, Alexis reminded me of the trip to town. Me, her, Ned, Jay and Laurence jumped into the blu van and drove off.

Peter POV:

My head was spinning a bit as I gained conciousness for the second time today. It was late in the day, probably 4 in the evening. I rose from bed to only find myself in just my underwear and sunglasses, and my hands wrapped in his blue tie. I saw a slip of paper sitting on the nightstand next to the door, that read: "Hey Peter, I must say, earlier was quite an expirience. Though next time I want to try another thing. I heard last night that arrends were going to be ran so I decided to tag along. I'll be ok. Sincerely, Jay". I rubbed my forehead as my cheeks danced in a warm tango as I breathed in and released sighs.

I grabbed my clothes off the floor and put them on, then walked downstairs to see what was possibly cooking. When I was walking downstairs, the scouts were playing a card game, doing and saying scout things. Typical bored teenagers. I walked into the kitchen and found an apple. I then walked to my van and unlocked it to get my rifle out. I sat in the back of my vehicle with messed up clothes, cleaning the one weapon I knew of using the best. It was nice to have a bit of quiet, though I wished Jay would've told me beforehand about attending the arrends with the guys shopping. Hopefully the quiet lasts long enough to where I get bored and have desires to create a ruckus myself.

I finished cleaning my gun, put back my equipment, and chewed on the apple that sat in sun for the hours. Warm apples taste weird, I guess. A second after that thought, Laurence's van pulled up, stopping to unload five people; I guess visiting town was popular. The love of my life jumped out of the van, and to my surprise he was walking somewhat normally? A bit odd due to the fact that I nailed him earlier today. He glanced at me, and as he did Benjamin elbowed him playfully, then patted him on the shoulder. Jay then walked toward me and when he looked me in the eyes, he giggled, "I think we were a bit too loud this morning."

I chortled then sighed, and when he sat next to me, Jay widened his arms hugged me in a snuggly embrace. I didn't really care it was a warm hug in boiling tempatures, Jay is the love of my life. I slowly chittered, "Hey, um, wanna just relax in my van for now?" Jay smiled, and he smiled wide. He sat down in a chair and stretched and sighed. I can't get enough of him just being him, ditching the whole act of just being an emotionless asshole, like any other Spy stereotype. The training for this job evidently changes you, it's almost mentally abusive.

I rubbed my temples and shook the thoughts away, and quickly swiped up my keys then picked up Jay and put him over my shoulder. "Hey-" Jay exclaimed as he squirmed. "I'm taking you to the living room, just enjoy the ride." As we entered that very room, we found the trio themselves. They all shot us smug grins and Alexis finally spat, "Could y'all be a bit quieter?"

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