The threat

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Alex Pov:

It was morning, 9 am, I was alone in the garage,
I looked around, but I didn't saw the rest of the band. I know that Julie is in school, but I don't know where is Luke or Reggie.

Then suddenly I heard a voice behind me. I turned around, and i saw the one person that i never wanted to see again.

"Alex, good to see you" he said with a smirk on his face, oh how i hate this man.


"This is how you receive a guest?" he asked shaking his head, scoffing.

"You are not a guest, so leave now" I said angry. i know he is more powerful than me, and that I probably shouldn't piss him off, but have mentioned i hate him?

"This is not how it works." He had a smile on his face.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Caleb when he came closer to me, and he poofed out with me.

"What the hell are you doing? LEAVE ME ALONE" I said. voice angrier. I can't believe it! what the hell he wants from me? i thought that he would leave us alone after we played the orpheum, but i guess Caleb doesn't give up that easily.

"Oh darling, no." He smirked

"What do you want from me?" I asked. I really wanted to know. Why me? Why now? This was driving me crazy. Not knowing.

"Oh, I want you to join my band" he said like it was the most obvious thing. I was taken back. Did he really just said that? Yeah, like if I would join his band and leave my own, like that's gonna happen. What a nerve he has. I would never leave my friends, my band. The only band that brings me so much comfort.

"NO WAY". I shouted, I couldn't contain my anger honestly, what did he think I would say? Oh yes Caleb, I would love to join your band, I was wondering when you are going to ask. I scoffed in my head.

"You didn't let me finish. If you don't join my band, I will destroy everyone you love" he said with a smile. I stood still, not moving, just staring at him. It felt like my feet was glued to the floor, like in a ghost way, he couldn't do that, could he? "think about it.  You have time until tonight."

"what the hell" I said, not knowing what to say? This is all so horrible. I don't want to join Caleb's band, I don't want to leave the band that I already have. But... I don't want Caleb to hurt them. The guilt would be too much, because that would happen because of me. And I don't - can't lose Luke and Reggie ever again. The day before we would play at the orpheum, with Julie, I stayed so long there inside, in the orpheum, thinking about how I don't know what's going to happen to us after we cross over, it was terrible , not knowing if you are going to still be with your 2 friends, who've been by your side for so long. Who helped you through stuff. We got a second chance, we died at a young age, but even in death, even as ghosts, we stayed together.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Caleb pressing his two hands together. "i have already two guitarists, but now i need a a drummer," well....i just listened. "and you are pretty talented." he said , laughing.  He just can't stop laughing, can he? I rolled my eyes. Then he poofed away, living me in some kind of cell? Like the kinds of the prisoners have? Ugh, am I a prisoner now? It was so ugly though, and the thing is, when I wanted to like go through the gate, or the walls, I just couldn't. That's weird. And when I wanted to poof away, I couldn't do that either. What the hell? Maybe Caleb did something, I have a feeling I am not the only one he threatened. More than sure he threatened someone else too way before me.

there was a cozy chair, but it was very old, and dusty. Well I am a ghost, so I didn't cared about that. I sat down, putting my head in my hands, how the hell my life turned 10x worse than it was already? And I got to say, my life when I was alive wasn't easy. Being a gay kid in the 90's was rough. Even my own parents didn't accepted me, and were so cold towards me after I come out to them. But for some reason, this is way worse than when I was alive.

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