Chapter 3.

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Alex pov:
One week. One week in hell.
At least I had the chance to see the boys.
I'm wondering what they are doing now.
I was thinking maybe I should write some letters to them. I know maybe they won't see it, but I want to do this.
First I wrote for Julie. Then to Reggie, and then to Luke.

The letter for Julie:
Dear Julie, I really hope you're okay.
I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry but I had to.
Thank you for being my friend, thank you for being there for me.
I'm glad that I had the chance to know you.
You have a voice like an angel. And Im happy that you started singing again.

With much love, Alex.

The letter for Reggie:
Dear Reggie, I want to say sorry, for be like how I'm with you. But you know that I'm just kidding with you. You always knew, and never. And you never got mad at me.
Okay, sometimes we had our fights, but we always we're there for each other.
I'm so happy that I got to know you.
Thank you. For being there for me.
You're one of my best friends, and I love you Reggie. Crocked teeth :)
With much love, Alex.

The letter for Luke:
Luke! I don't even know where to start.
I- ...... I'm so happy that I got the chance to meet you. You were always there for me. Always. You never left me.
Oh, and we were rommates. Good old times.
I miss them. I miss the time when I'm with you. Oh Yeah and with the band.
Having gigs and all.
I would tell you why I joined Calebs band. But I can't. I can't.
Just please. Don't come for me. I don't want this. I want you, and Julie, Reggie to move on from me. To find another drummer
I think you already find one. It's been a week. So Yeah. Just live your life. With Julie, Reggie. I can't be in it, but that's okay.
It's okay. And I don't want you to be sad. I don't like when you're sad. I- ...
With much love, Alex

After i put down the pen, and I was thinking. I wanted to write one more thing on Luke's letter, but I couldn't and I don't know why.
Then Willie came.

"Hey Alex" Willie said.
"Oh, he knows my name" I said.
"Of course I know"
"You most of the time call me hotdog" I said rolling my eyes.
"Yeah. Nickname, You know"
"Yeah, yeah" I said, Then he came in the room.
"Why you came in?" I asked.
"Because I want to be closer to you." He said sitting next to me.
"Okay?" I said, and he come closer to my face and my lips touched his. I didn't imagine like this my first kiss with him. After 5 seconds I pulled away.
"What are you doing? I asked.
"No, what are you doing? Why you pulled away? I thought you wanted this." He said.
"I wanted. Before I knew that you are working with Caleb."
"I- I don't work with him."
"Oh really? You told him that we didn't crossed over. You told him i'm gonna be in the garage in that time. What can I say? Thank you Willie." I said sarcastically.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you"
"But you did, you know, I was thinking my first kiss with you will be good. Very good. But It wasn't. I liked you. And maybe I still do. But-"
"Yeah. I get it. I hurted you. I know." He said getting up then he left the room and locked the door.
"AHHHHHHH" I shouted. I was angry. Very angry.

Luke pov:
It's been already one week. One week without Alex. Without his smile. Without his sarcasm. He always made us laugh.
I miss him. But - We have to continue with the band.
We have a gig tonight.

"Hey guys. Ready for rehearsal?" I asked.
"Oh wow. Luke asking this? Julie said laughing.
"I'm serious. Where is Louis?" I asked.
"He will be here in 5 minutes." Said Reggie then I sit down on the couch.
"Okay. So which song we gonna use?" I asked
"I don't know. What do you say about great?" Reggie asked.
"I think It's a good idea" Julie said.
"Hey guys. I'm sorry I am a little late." Louis said walking to the drums. He brought it from home. Reggie and I didn't want to give him Alex drums.
"Don't worry." Julie said.
"Yeah. It's okay." I said.
"Okay. So which song we will repeat?" Louis asked.
"Great." I said.

We started to rehearsal. After one hour we ended. Louis was going home. And Julie left in her room.
Reggie and I were on the garage. Talking. Laughing. But suddenly my smile disappeard.

"Hey, are you okay?" Reggie asked.
"Of course I am, why?"
"You seen sad."
"Oh, that. You know, I was thinking about Alex, the times when we we're laughing so much. It was good times."
"Yeah, it was" Reggie said smiling a little putting his hands on my shoulder. Then we saw Willie outside the garage. He was looking inside.
"What the hell he is doing here?" I asked.
"I don't know." Reggie said then we poofed out.

"What are you doing Willie? Why are you spying on us?" I asked.
"I don't really know. I wanted to go out. Then I come here. I am in a bad mood."
"Why? Something happened to Alex?" I asked immadatially with concern.
"No. No. No. It's just- I- nothing. Forget that I came here. Good night." He said then he poofed out.

"That was weird." I said to Reggie.
"At least we know that Alex it's good. That's all that matters" I said.
"Right. But let's hope he didn't lied."
"Yeah. let's go inside." I said with tears in my eyes.

It was already 8 pm. In 30 minutes we have a gig. I was happy but at the same time sad.
Happy because we have a gig, sad because Alex won't be on the stage with us. This is our first performance after Alex joined that dammit band. Okay. I need to calm down. Because if I'm not calming down I'm gonna punch something.

"HEEEEY" Reggie said shouting.
"Reggie why are you shouting?" I asked.
"Because we have a gig tonight. It's cool"
"Yeah. I know."
"You are not happy, right?"
"I am. It's just-"
"Alex. I know. But he would want us to continue with the band."
"Yeah. I know."
"Hey guys. 20 minutes and we have gig.
Change clothes and we can go." Julie said.
"Oh right." I said while walking to find some clothes. Same did Reggie.

We are already there. It will be a good time. I hope.

Alex pov:
Now I'm calm. I- wanted to kiss Willie. Really. But before I knew how is he.
And when we kissed, I didn't really felt something. Okay, I felt something, but not like I was thinking I will feel.

"Look at you. With your sad face" Caleb said coming in the room.
"What do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"We have tonight a gig. so here are some clothes" he said droping the clothes.
"That's all?" I asked.
"Neh, I have this, you know what is it. Your friends, or I don't even know what they are to you have a gig tonight. they seem to have replaced you. And I give you this now to see them perform" He said laughing. And give it in my hand.

And they were there. I watched them singing "great" an incredible song.
They all are so good. And the drummer too.
I'm glad that they found someone else.
I'm happy to see them singing.

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