Chapter 4.

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Luke pov:
We will have a gig tommorow at 7pm. I'm so happy.
It's been already 10 days since he's not here.
I don't really want to think about him. I have to pay attention to the team.
It's a little bit hard, but I will make it work.

"Hey Luke, Reggie." Julie said.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"Can we talk?"
"Where are talking now"
"I mean alone" she said while looking at Reggie.
"Yeah, sure, I will be back in a second Reggie" I said looking at Reggie.

"So, about what do you want to talk?" I asked.
"I want to say sorry. I-.
"For what?"
"You know. I mean about Alex. Trying to replace him a day after he quit the band."
"Oh. Yeah, I appreciate it. And don't worry, I got over it." I said with a sad face.
"Really? That's great. Thanks." She said, hugging me. We can touch each other. I don't know how, but we can.

"Reggie, I'm back"
"Oh Yeah. About what were you talking?"
"She said sorry."
"It was the time" Reggie said with a smile.

Julie pov:
It's 7:50 pm. I am in school.
Ughh. I have first math. I hate math.

"FLYNN. I was looking for you." I said.
"What do you want?"
"I- I want to say sorry. I already said sorry to Luke. And he forgive me."
"Did you really meant what you said to Luke?"
"Hm. No. But I mean what I say to you."
"NO. Julie. This is not how it works. If you say sorry to someone you have to mean it. Not to lie. Julie. What's wrong with you? I don't- I don't understand you."
"Oh, come on Flynn. We know each other since we had 9 years old.'
"This is why I'm saying that you are different."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are. I have to go. I don't want to be late to class."
"Great." I whispered while she was walking away to her class.

Alex pov:
I'm still here. Each day it's just worse worse and worse.
I don't know how much he will keep me here. But I will see.

"Hey." Willie said.
"Again you? What you want?"
"Nothing I- I just came to check on you"
"Oh yeah."
"I'm sorry. About kissing you."
"OHHH. WHAT IS THIS?? He said while holding my papers, where I wrote letters for Julie, Reggie and Luke.
"GIVE It BACK." I said shouting.
"NOO. I see these are for Julie, Reggie, and Luke. You wrote them letters."
"Yeah, well if I will never go back to them, or If Caleb destroyes me, at least they would have this."
"Yeah. I'm gonna go to give it to them"
"NOOO WILLIE" I said but it was late. Willie already poofed out.

Luke pov:
We were on the garage. Julie, Reggie and me.
We were trying to write some lyrics. But Again I didn't had inspiration. Then I saw Willie outside the garage.

"Oh my- ... again?? What is he doing here." I asked.
"Again? Was he here already?" Julie asked.
"Yeah." Reggie said.

"Willie? Again? What do you want?" I asked.
"Okay so. I found these letters on the room were he is. These are for you guys." Willie said.
"IS HE OKAY? WHY HE WROTE LETTERS?" I asked. With a loud voice. Reggie just looked at me.
"Calm down. He is okay. He just wanted to wrote these for you."
"Great. After I didn't think about him that much, then suddenly appears a letter." I said.
"I- I just wanted to give these to you." Willie said.
"Thank you." I said, he nodded then he poofed out.

Julie was the first to read the letter for her. She had tears in her eyes.
Then she got to the final, then Reggie started to read. He was crying and at the same time laughing.
Then. The last it was me. I started to read. I was crying. I- really.
He still wanted to write something. But he didn't. So I was thinking what he wanted to write.
But. I think I will not know.
I hold the paper to my chest thinking about him. And with tears in my eyes.
Then Reggie came to give me a hug.

"I know buddy. I know. It's hard to read the letter. It was hard for me. And I know it's hard for you." Reggie said.
"Yeah.." I said.

Alex pov:
I was sitting there. In the room.
I was sad, and angry. I couldn't believe what Willie did. I didn't wanted them to see that already.

"Hey" Willie said.
"Calm down.:
"So why?"
"Because I wanted to show you that I'm not that bad."
"But I didn't wanted them to see it already."
"I- .... I don't know."
"I'm sorry. But They needed to see it."
"Yeah. Maybe, you're right."
"Yes I am" Willie said smiling then he walked outside and locked the door.

"AHHHHHHH" I was shouting, sitting down holding my face in my hands.

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