chapter 13

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Flashback 1995 march 16

6:30 a.m
Alex pov:
It's again monday. So...that means again school. Whatever. I'm gonna go. I need to go. Even tho I don't have parents to tell me what to do. I need to graduate.
I'm glad that the boys were here with me!

"Alex? Why are you up?" Luke said rubing his eyes.
"Because we have school?"
"But it's 6:35 a.m" Luke said looking at his phone.
"I wanted to be up early. You can go back to sleep."
"Nah. I'm good. I'm going to prepare. Good that I have my backpack with all that I need for school."
"Yeah. "
"Okay. I'm going. After we wake up Reggie."
"Okay." Luke went in the bathroom and Reggie started slowly to wake up.
"Where is Luke?" Reggie asked.
"In the bathroom."
"Oh. Okay. I see that you are already changed."
"Yeah. I woke up at 6 am."
"Oh. Okay. I need to change too."
"Yeah. But wait til Luke comes out of the bathroom!"
"Or, I could change here."
"No way! Not with me inside"
"Why not? We are boys!"
"And? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"Why I would feel?" Reggie asked and started to take off his shirt.
"Yeah. I'm going!" Alex said and turned around and went outside off the garage."
"Alex. Really?" Reggie asked and put on some clean clothes then Luke came out off the bathroom.
"Where is Alex?"
"Because I changed."
"What? We are boys!"
"Well. That's true."
"Alex. You can come in." Reggie said loud enough for Alex to hear. Alex came inside and Luke started laughing.
"What? Why are you laughing? I have something on my face?" Alex asked and Luke just shook his head. "Then why?"
"Nevermind." Luke said.
"Fine." Alex said rolling his eyes.
"I'm going to brush my teeth." Reggie said.
"Okay." Alex said and sit down on the couch. And Luke sit down next to him and their shoulders were touching. Alex started to smile, aswell Luke.

"I'm ready. Let's go!" Reggie said. And they all took their backpack and went out waiting for Bobby. After 5 minutes Bobby came. And they all went to school.

"There is that stupid boy" Alex said to Luke.
"Don't worry."
"I'm not worried."

"Oh. I thought you not gonna came at school today." Daniel said.
"Why I would not come?"
"Well, because we bite you up?" Daniel said, laughing.
"I'm pretty sure that my friends bite you up too. Oh, and me!" Alex said laughing too.
"You were just lucky." Daniel said. And Alex come closer to him.
"You think I'm afraid of you guys? You don't know what I'm capable of."
"This is a treath?"
"Take how you want it. I don't care."
"Alex! Let's go." Luke said and they started walking.
"Yeah. Go! You stupid!" Daniel said and Alex wanted to go back but Luke stopped him.

"Luke! Why you stopped me?"
"Alex! We are in school. Don't do something what you will regret later."
"If it comes to Daniel and his friends I will not regret nothing."
"Maybe. But...leave him. He doesn't deserve your attention."
"Yeah. Luke is right Alex." Reggie said.
"Okay. Okay. Let's go to class." Alex said.

After school, in the garage.

"Guys!!" Bobby said and all three boys turned their attention at him.
"Yeah?" Alex asked.
"My parents are gone for the weekend. So...that means I'm gonna make a party."
"Do you think that's a Good idea?" Alex asked.
"Of course it is! It's gonna be fine!"
"Yeah. We deserve a little bit of fun." Luke asked.
"Well, we everyday have fun. But I think that party it's gonna be okay!" Alex said.
"That's the spirit!" Bobby said.
"And when do you want to make the party?" Alex asked.
"Friday night. 7 pm."
"Okay." Alex said.
"Guys. I really need to go now. My mom just let me a little bit to stay here, she wants to have me at dinner."
"Okay. Bye." Alex said and went hugging Reggie.
"What is this for?" Reggie asked. Still hugging Alex.
"Because, you're my best friend." Alex whispered.
"Aww. Don't make me emotional." Reggie replied. Luke watched. And he felt jealous? Why he would feel that way? They 3.(4) are best friends. But he never felt like this before.

"Luke!" Alex shouted.
"You didn't responded to me! You were out for 5 minutes! Reggie already left!"
"Oh. Sorry."
"What were you thinking?"
"Nothing important." He lied.
"Did you said something?"
"Well, Yeah. But nevermind. "
"What did you said?"
"I said nevermind."
"Oh Alex! Come on."
"Okay. I asked you if you want to do something. Watch a movie. Or go for a walk."

Luke again is on his thought. Alex asked him out on a date? Or what is this? No way! They went out so many times. This can't be!

"Again, Luke!"
"Don't be! I get, you don't want to do anything with me. It doesn't matter."
"No!" Luke said quickly taking Alex hand. "That's not it! I want to do something. Why were you thinking that?"
"Well. You didn't responded?"
"Oh...that. I'm sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts. But, we can watch a movie, if Bobby let's us go in the house on the living room." Luke and Alex were still holding hands, Luke observed and pulled way.
"I'm going to ask him." And with that Alex was out of the garage.

"I'm upstairs!" Bobby shouted, and Alex went upstairs knocking on the door.
"Come in." Bobby said.
"Uhm. Hey. What are you doing?"
"Well. I want to finish this homework. I need to finish for tommorow."
"Okay...I have a question."
"Ask me."
"Luke and I want to watch a movie. Can we watch it in your living room?"
"Yeah. Of course, you dont even need to ask!"
"Thanks Bob." Alex said smiling. And Bobby smiled too.

"So?" Luke asked.
"He let's us!"
"Good. Let's go.

They went into the house and put the movie. They had snacks.
Alex moved closer to Luke. And Luke put his head on Alex shoulder and they stayed like that, smiling to themselves.

2021 may. 15:30 pm.

"Yeah. We need to talk."
"Okay. Let me change then I'm going to the garage."


"I see just you are here."
"Well, yes. Alex is with Willie. And Reggie is at the beach. He likes there so much."
"You told me you want to talk?"
"Yeah. About Alex!"
"Oh. I see."
"Julie...please You can't do that. We need him back."
"No! Listen. Alex is the best drummer. He was here before Louis! And after 1 year we finally got him back. Reggie said of you are not letting Alex to come in the band then he's gonna quit."
"Yeah! He's gonna quit the band! And i'm gonna too."
"Ugh. Okay! Fine. I talk to Louis!"
"Really? Thanks!" Luke said hugging Julie.


"Okay, Luke, Louis is out Alex is in."
"Yey! I can't wait to tell him the great news." Luke said and Alex poofed in the garage.
"Hey Luke, Julie."
"Hi. I need to go! See you guys tommorow!" Julie said then left, Luke watched her then turned to Alex.
"Alex, I have great news." Luke said smiling.
"Okay. Tell me."
"First, let's wait for Reggie."
"Okay." With that Reggie poofed in.
"Hey guys!
"Hi, Reg, I have great news"
"Yeah? what it is?"
"That's what I want to found out." Alex said.
"Okay, you guys ready?"
"Just tell us already, Luke." Alex said.
"Okay...Alex, you are back in the band." Luke said loud, and happy.
"Is this a joke?" Alex asked.
"What? No. It's not." Luke said.
"Yes Alex! Really."
"That's awesome!" Reggie said smiling.
"Group houg!" Luke said. And Reggie went already next to him.
"Nah. I'm good." Alex said.
"Get your ass here." Luke said.
"Yeah!" Reggie said.
"Fine!" Then Alex went next to Luke and Reggie,and they wrapped their arms around him, and Alex wrapped his arms around them and they stayed like this a few minutes. Enjoying the moment!

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