Chapter 19.

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One week. One week since Alex and Willie came in the garage holding hands.
One week Alex ignoring Luke's feelings.
One week Alex started spending more time with Willie, Alex started bailing on band practice just because he wanted to spend time with Willie.
Today wasn't different. He didn't came again.

"Guys. Do you know anything about Alex?" Julie asked.
"No. He doesn't talk with us about anything. Just Willie, Willie and Willie." Luke said rolling his eyes.
"If he doesn't show up...we need to make a decision. This can't go like this anymore. We have a band. We need to practice. I understand that he wants to spend more time with Willie. But he can do that after rehearsal. And he started doing this a week ago." Julie said looking at the piano.
"I don't know what's wrong with him. He usually doesn't do this. It's like he's brainwashed by Willie. He can't think about anything just him." Luke said still feeling bad about the whole Alex situation.
"We need to talk with him." Reggie said.
"We already tried." Luke said.
"Guys...if he's gonna do this more....we need to kick him out of the band. It's not fair. He always hanging out with Willie, but we came here because we wanted to rehearsal. We want this band to go somewhere. But if he doesn't, then we don't have a choice. I don't want to kick him out, I really don't..." Julie said feeling sad.
"You are right." Luke said. "I didn't think I am ever gonna say this, but if he doesn't take this seriously, then...we don't have a choice."
"Good we agree. Reggie what you say?" Julie asked looking at Reggie.
"I say this is stupid. Because Alex was always in this band...and it would be very empty without him." Reggie said and Julie and Luke looked at him. "But, I guess, how you guys said...we don't have a choice."
"True." Julie said.

They were rehearsing. Without a drummer. Well, they don't really have a choice. Alex still haven't showed up yet.
They just miss him there, at the drums.
And Alex in general. They started hanging out less with him. Because Alex was always with Willie.

"Guys. It was great. Let's take a break now." Julie said smiling.
"Yeah. Good idea." Luke said. Then they heard someone poofed in. They looked where the sound came from, and It was Alex. "Look who decided to show up."
"Hey guys." Alex said.
"Don't "hey" us. Where the hell have you been?"
"Of course you where with him."
"Yeah. And what's the matter?" Alex asked.
"What's the matter?" Luke scoffed. "The matter is you are bailing on us. For already one week."
"Oh. So the problem is that I hang out with Willie?"
"No. The problem is that you are not coming to practice anymore. It's like you forgot that you have a band."
"I didn't..."
"It doesn't seem that way."
"I think we should go Reg." Julie whispered over to Reggie.
"Are you sure? They maybe gonna fight worse. We don't need to stop it?"
"No. They're just talking."
"Fine. Let's go." And they left. Alex and Luke didn't even noticed.

"You are so unbearable Luke."
"I am? You are not coming to practice. Not me. At least I care about the band. Not like you." Luke said louder this time.
"I care about the band too."
"Really? Then why haven't you been on practice for one week? Care to explain?"
"I was hanging out with Willie. Okay?"
"Every time? Alex this is not like you."
"Yeah, it's like you know me very well. Huh?" Alex asked rolling his eyes.
"I do. And I think I know you better than anyone else."
"Huh. That's funny."
"What?" Luke asked confused.
"You thinking you know me better than anyone." Alex started laughing.
"Well. Because I do." Luke said and started looking Alex in the eyes. "We haven't talked about the kiss, yet."
"Again. Luke. I don't want to talk about it. I was just lost in the moment. It didn't mean anything to me."
"But it meant something to me."
"I don't care."
"You don't care how I am feeling? Alex you hurt me."
"Again you. You just thinking about yourself. You ran away from home because your parents didn't respected your music. But I had bigger problems, I didn't ran away. I got kicked out. And you want to make anything about yourself." Alex said.
"What has this to do with my parents?" Luke asked tears in his eyes. backing away.
"Everything. You running away it was so stupid. Your parents at least cared about you. But...maybe your dead was good for your parents." Alex said. And Luke had more tears in his eyes. And he poofed away. After that Alex didn't even now why he said hurtful things like this.

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