Chapter 10

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Luke pov:
I didn't know what to do. To run there to hug him. Or no. I don't even know if this is real. Julie and Reggie are schocked too.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I whispered over to Reggie.
"Why would you dream about this?" That person said, laughing.
"Well, I- I don't know."
"Dude. You are definetly not dreaming." Reggie said.
"Well, nobody's happy to see me?"
"Of course we are!!" I run there to hug him.
"Yeah man. We are more than happy." Reggie said and he come to hug him.
"Alex. I can't believe you are here. I thought I will never see you again." I said.
"Well. I thought I never gonna see you guys. I missed you guys so much. I can't believe I'm here again with you after 1 year. It's been hell without you."
"So. That's mean that you missed me too?" Reggie asked.
"Really Reg? Of course! I missed all of you." He said looking to all of us.
"Alex. I don't know what to say. After 1 year finally seeing you. It's crazy. You don't know how hard was for us, when we were thinking we never gonna see you again."
"I was thinking the same. That i will never gonna see you again. But look where we are."

"Uhm. Don't mind me asking. I'm more than happy that you are here. But how? What happened?" I asked.
"Well, you know. That night, he didn't destroyed me. He teleported me back to the Ghost Club, where I was locked. And I didn't had power to poof out. And today Willie told me a great new. That he has another ghost friend, I think with more power than Caleb. And he has something where he can lock ghost, and powerful ghosts."
"So, does that mean you're free? We all free?" I asked.
"I hope so."
"Come here." I said hugging him again.
"Don't cry." He said with a little laugh.
"It's happy tears." I said.
"Well, I'm very happy to see you. I hope that we will never be apart anymore." Reggie said.

"Well, Alex it's back. Yey. But just for you to know, we all not kicking Louis out of the band." Julie said and we all looked at her from the couch.
"And that is okay. I don't want you to do that." Alex said.
"Well. For Reggie and me it's not okay.
Julie don't forget that Alex was here before Louis."
"Well Yeah. But that doesn't matter. It's Julie and the phantoms, so I'm the leader. And I tell who I kick out and who stays."
"You are unbelievable." I said.
"When we were Sunset Curve, we didn't had leader." Reggie said.
"That was sunset curve. This is JULIE and the phantoms." Julie said then she left.

"Well. Someone it's not happy to see me." Alex said.
"Give her time. She needs time to process." Luke said.
"Look at Luke defending his girfriend." Reggie said.
"Reggie shut up." I said.
"Wow. You and her are finally together? I'm happy for you."
"Thanks. "
"How long?" Alex asked.
"5 months"
"That's .... great." Alex said.
"I have a boyfriend." Alex said quickly.
"Willie?" Reggie asked.
"Of course it's Willie."
"That's... amazing." I said.
"Yeah. We are dating for 3 months. He helped me escape."
"When I'm gonna see him. I'm gonna thank him." I said.
"I already did." Alex said.
"I don't care. I want to thank him myself."
"Okay?" Alex said laughing.

Flasback 1995 march 13.

Alex pov:
I woke up at the sound of the garage door. And I see Luke sleeping next to me.

"Boys. We are here. Wake up." Bobby said.
"Really Bobby? My head hurts." I said.
"You said you will tell us what happened. So tell us."
"My dad. He did this to me. When I told them I'm gay. And they kicked me out." I said my voice cracking.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." Reggie said and come to hug me. So did Bobby.
"You have where to stay?" Bobby asked.
"No." I said.
"You can stay here as long as you need." Bobby said.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course! My parents gonna be okay with that. They love you. Well, they love Luke and Reggie too, but you get my point."
"Thank you so much." I said laughing.
"It's no problem. I'm gonna be happy to have you here."
"I'm gonna be happy to be here." I said smiling.

22:30 pm.

"Boys. Do you want to watch a movie? It's friday. It's weekend we don't have school for 2 days. So Luke and I can sleep here. If you let us. Of course." Reggie said.
"Of course I let you. Sleepover. What do you say Luke?" Bobby asked.
"Of course. I'm not saying no to a sleepover. I'm gonna call my parents."
"Yeah me too." Reggie said. I stayed there Silent and sad.
"Hey. It's gonna be okay. Everything." Bobby said.
"I hope so. Again. Thanks for letting me stay here."
"Sure man. Don't thank me again. Okay?" Bobby said hugging me. "Now, let's go inside, to watch a movie."

"I made popcorn." Reggie said, sitting on the couch.
"Good." Bobby said laughing. And I sit on the couch in the middle of Luke and Reggie.

We put the movie. I put my head on Luke shoulder. And he let me. It was nice.
After one hour and 20 minutes I fell asleep, with my head on Luke shoulder.

I Still Love You. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ