Chapter 18

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Present day. Luke really tried to hide his feeling towards Alex, but it wasn't that easy. Alex talks about Willie a lot. Reggie noticed that Luke feels uncomfortable. Now the two were just alone in the garage. Julie was with Flynn in her room and Alex was to get Willie.

"Uhm, Luke, you okay?" Reggie asked.
"Totally. Why?"
"Oh. So you are not jealous, or anything huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"Come on Luke. You can't hide it. At least in front of me. I saw how uncomfortable you were when Alex talked about getting Willie."
"Oh, yeah? Doesn't matter Reg."
"Yes it does."
"What should I do, huh?"
"Luke. You need to talk with him. Tell him that you are in love with him. If you don't, you gonna regret it forever letting him go."
"But he broke up with me."
"I know. But that's not the point. You need to talk with him. But first you need to break up with Julie."
"I don't.... want to break her heart.."
"I know buddy. But you don't have a choice. You can't just be with her if you don't love her."
" are right.. I....I think I will do it when she's coming back here."

Julie come into the garage after 2 hours. Luke was nervous. He hoped this won't ruin their friendship.

"Julie, can I talk to you for a second?" Luke said and Julie looked up from the piano.
"Yeah, sure." Julie said smiling.
"I'm gonna leave you two, alone." Reggie said giving Luke a soft smile before poofing away.
"You want to talk about a new song?"
"Actually. No..."
"Then what is it?" Julie asked.
"Luke. Say it already."
"I think we should break up."
"I don't want to break your heart. Really. But this doesn't work. You are a human and I'm a ghost. You deserve someone who is human, not made of air."
"But ... we can touch each other. We can kiss each other. Luke. That's all that matters."
"No. Julie. It doesn't. When you talk with me outside. People think you are crazy."
"Doesn't matter.,"
"Yes. It does."
"So...thats It? We are breaking up?"
"Yeah.." He looked down. "I Hope this won't ruin our friendship."
"I can't do this right now. I have to go." Julie said and run to her room.

"Great. Just great." Luke sit down and put his head on his hands.
"What's great?" Luke looked up and saw Alex there.
"Uhm...Julie And I broke up a few minutes ago."
"Oh man. I'm sorry." Alex said and sat down next to Luke.
"I'm not. I thought I liked her like that. But I didn't. I just didn't."
"I understand. You were confused"
"Yeah." they looked in each other eyes for too long. But they looked away when Reggie poofed in.
"Where is Willie? And Julie?" He asked.
"Willie...He is coming a little bit later."
"Julie run to her room."
"Yeah." Luke said and Reggie sat down between the two.

Julie was in her room. And was crying. And she called Flynn. Now the two were Julie's bed.

"You know. It's better for you this break up. Luke's right. Julie, he is made of air."
"What side are you on?"
"Yours. Always you know that. But...You have to understand. You couldn't date him for the rest of your lives."
"I know you like him. But...It's better, like this."
"I...think You are right. Who I am kidding? He is a ghost. We, together just doesn't work."
"That's my girl."
"I have practice with the guys, you want to come?"
"I don't have nothing better to do. So yes."
"Okay. Come on."

Julie went into the garage, and Willie poofed in.

"Willie. Hi." Alex said and kissed him. Luke was looking away.
"Julie. He is Willie."
"Uhm.. nice to meet you."
"You too." Willie gave her a smile.
"Okay guys. Let's start practicing." Julie said.
"Which song?" Reggie asked.
"Stand tall?" Julie asked. And they all nodded.
"Okay. Good."

They stopped the practice after 3 hours.
And Julie went back to her room with Flynn. Willie went away. Reggie was asleep. And Luke was awake. Alex too. But Luke didn't know that. Until Alex spoke.

"You are up, huh?" Alex asked.
"Yeah. I can't sleep. Plus, i don't need to sleep I'm a ghost. I can't get tired."
"True." Alex said with a soft smile.
" you, Willie?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just...I'm curious."
"Oh. i don't know. I'm just confused too. You know?"
"He loves me. He told me so many times. I just couldn't said it back." Alex said and Luke looked at his lips than at his eyes. And without knowing, he kissed Alex. It was passionate. It was epic. After a few seconds they stopped kissing.
"Luke...Why did you do that??"
"Alex...I'm....I'm in love with you..."
"What?" Alex blinked so many times.
"Uhh... after we played the Orpheum, I wanted to tell you this. But you broke up with me. 2 days before. And I never got the chance. Just now."
"You can't... you can't just tell me this. You can't. I'm with Willie."
"But you said you don't know if you love him."
"I... I have to go."
"Wait..." Luke said but Alex already poofed away. "Great. You just ruined your friendship."
"Are you talking to yourself?" Reggie asked.
"What happened?"
"I kissed Alex. He kissed me back. But then he left."
"Left? Where?"
"I don't know."
"I'm sorry."
"I knew he doesn't feel the same."
"You don't know that."
"Yes I know."

Alex was sitting. On a bench.
Then Willie came.

"I'm so glad you're here. I need to talk with you." Alex said.
"Uhm, okay? What is it?"
"I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. But... i think we should break up."
"I'm so sorry, but i'm not in love with you, i'm in love with somebody else, I thought i was over him, but i'm not." Alex said and Willie just stayed silent.
"Please say something."
"I have to go."
"Don't...." Alex said but Willie already poofed away.

Willie was so sad. He didn't know what to do. But then he thought about Caleb. Maybe he could help him, right? Even tho he is trapped.

"Caleb. I need your help."
"Oh, William. I didn't expected you here."
"I need your help. I know it's a bad idea, but....Alex isn't in love with me. You have something that i can make him love me?"
"Of course I have."
"And? What is it?"
"Oh. This is not how it works. I give it to you, but you need to let me out of here."
"Okay. You first. I don't trust you."
"It's fair. Here... this is a bracelet. If you put on him he's gonna fall in love with you. Just make sure he's not gonna take it off."
"Okay. Thank you. Bye."
"Hey!!! This wasn't a part of the deal. Let me out."
"You really thought i would let you out?" Willie started laughing.
"You gonna regret this."
"I don't think so." Then Willie poofed away.

He poofed right where Alex was.

"You came back." Alex was surprised.
"Yes, i did."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't worry. I understand. I had time to think. I want us to be friends."
"That's great, Willie." Alex smiled.
"And I want to give you this. It's a friendship bracelet. Hope you like it."
"It's beautiful. Thank you." And Alex put it on.

"How are you feeling?" Willie asked.
"I'm good. I need to tell you something."
"I'm in love with you, Willie."
"I'm in love with you too." Then they kissed.
"You want to come back with me to the garage?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, sure." Willie said. Then they poofed to the garage.

"Hi guys." Alex said. And Luke noticed that Alex and Willie hold hands.
"Hey." Reggie said.
"Alex, can I talk to you for a minute?" Luke asked.
"Yeah. Sure. Coming right back, love." Alex said and kissed Willie.

"You don't have nothing to say to me?" Luke asked.
"Uhm... what should I say to you?"
"We kissed. Remember? Then you poofed away."
"We kissed? I don't remember any of this. I'm in love with Willie, Luke."
"But you said, you don't know if you love him."
"No. I didn't."
"Yes you did. I confessed my love to you."
"Really? Oh, poor Luke. You should move on." Alex said, rolling his eyes.
"You're acting different."
"Nope. I don't, this is me, Alexander Mercer. And I'm so in love."
"You coming, love?" Willie asked.
"Coming." Alex shouted back. "I'm going now. Ciao." He said to Luke.
"You know i'm going there too, right?"

Alex left before Luke.
Luke stayed back for a little bit. Thinking. Like, really? Alex already forget everything what happened? That they kissed? That Luke confessed his love for him? Maybe something is going on? Or maybe Luke just exaggerating.
Or, maybe he gonna found out, what is happening.

Author's note: hi guys. I know it's been forever since i posted a new chapter. But now it's here. And I hope you like it. 🥺❤️

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