chapter 16.

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Present day.

"Julie...I want to say that I need to go now. I'm meeting with Willie. I hope you don't mind." Alex said.
"No. Of course not. You can go."
"Oh. Cool. Thank you."
"Yeah. No problem."
"Okay. See you later."
"Bye." Julie said and Alex poofed out.

"Uhm...where is Alex?" Luke asked poofing in the garage with Reggie.
"He left. He's meeting with Willie." Julie said.
"Oh...But What about the practice?"
"Luke, it's Wednesday, and we have the gig saturday. We have time."
"Fine." Luke said and poofed out.

"Oh. Willie. I was looking for you!" Alex said poofing to him
"Where do you think I was?" Willie said kissing Alex cheek.
"I don't know. Uhm..."
"Yeah. Let's go."
"You said you don't know who Justin Bieber is."
"I already heard some of his songs."
"But...We can go to his house!"
"Oh...I don't know Willie."
"Come on. It's gonna be fun!"
"Okay. Okay." Alex said and Willie took his hand and they poofed out.

"Luke. Are you okay?" Reggie asked poofing next to Luke. Who was sitting on the rooftop.
"Yeah. Totally.  Why?"
"You don't seem okay."
"Yeah. Right. I'm not really that ok."
"Because of your parents?"
"Yes and no."
"Okay, what's that supposed to mean?"
"Uhm...yes. the parents part is true. But is something else too."
"Oh. I see. It's about Alex, no?" Reggie asked and Luke eyes go wide.
"Come on Luke. I'm not that stupid."
"Uhm. Yes you are."
"Maybe a little bit. But I have eyes. I see the way you look at him!"
"I look normally at him."
"Stop it."

"Wow. His house it's huge!" Alex said after they poofed in front of Justin Bieber's house.
"Of course it is!"
"Look at how I skate in this pool." Willie said and went to the pool and showed Alex his skate skills.
"That was incredible."
"Thank you. Sweetie." Willie said, and oh wow. Alex thought, Willie give him a nickname. They didn't give to each other, ever. This is the first time. And Alex doesn't know how to feel about it. His thoughts were intrerupted by Willie talking.
"Earth to Alex."
"You just stayed there, frozen, what happened, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I am!" Alex said kissing Willie.
"I love you Alex!" Alex didn't said anything just kissed him.

"So what?" Luke asked Reggie. They still sitting on the rooftop.
"You will admit it?"
"Admit what?"
"That you still like Alex!"
"Shhh. Don't let Julie to hear you!" Luke said putting his hand to Reggie's lips.
"So...It's true" Reggie said smiling.
"So...I have an idea."
"Told me what you like about Julie and Alex! And this is how we gonna know who do you like the most!"
"Yeah. Okay. Uhm....What I like about Julie, uhm...when she sings, I like her voice very much. When she writes songs and her smile."
"Okay. Now say about Alex."
"Okay. So...Can I say everything?" Luke asked and Reggie smiled and nodded and then Luke continued. "Uhm...I like his voice too. His voice is just wow. And he should sing more!!"
"Yes!! I totally agree!" Reggie said and Luke continued.
"When I block and he helps me write songs! Oh, and he can write songs too. He's so good at that too. His smile is contagious. I love his eyes so much. And, When I look at him I want to kiss him. Hug him. And be with him forever. Never let him go. I can see my future with him! It's stupid, because we are ghost now, but in this ghost life, I really can see my future with him."
" forget about the liking thing. You don't like Alex."
"You don't like him. Because you are in love with him." Reggie said smiling.
"Yeah, I think you're right. After we played the orpheum I wanted to say to him that I'm falling in love with him but 2 days before he broke up with me!"
"Yeah. You were so sad about it!"
"Of course I was!"
"You cried for hours."
"Don't let Alex know about this!" Luke said laughing.
"You're secret is safe with me!" Reggie said and they smiled.
"Thank you Reg."
"No problem,  you know I'm always here for all of you!"
"We know!" Luke said and hugged Reggie. And they poofed back in the garage.

19:30 pm.

"Willie. It was really fun today." Alex said smiling holding Willie's hand.
"I told you." Willie said smiling.
"Yeah. You told me. But now I need to go. I hope You don't mind."
"No. Of corse not. We can meet tommorow as well."
"Yeah...wait,what If you come to the garage tommorow?"
"Uh...I don't know! I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why not? I told you what you told me, it's gonna be fun." Alex said smiling.
"Okay, great. Come there around 15:00 pm."
"I'm gonna be there."
"Okay. Bye!" Alex said and kissed Willie on the cheek.
"Bye sweetie." Willie said smiling. And Alex again thought, he didn't know how to feel about this but he just smiled and poofed out.

"Here you are!" Reggie said standing up.
"Oh yeah. Hi guys." Alex said.
"How was with Willie?" Reggie asked.
"It was fun. We went to Justin Bieber's house!" Alex said smiling.
"Oh, wow. That's great."
"Guys. I need to ask something,  do you mind if Willie gonna come tommorow to see us practicing?"
"For me it's fine!" Reggie said.
"For me it's not!" Luke said from the couch.
"What?" Alex asked.
"Nothing." Luke said poofing out.

"What's wrong with him?" Alex asked Reggie.
"I don't know. You should talk to him."
"Yeah, okay." Alex said and poofed out.

"Hey. Can I sit here?" Alex asked Luke. He was in the house on the living room.
"Okay. Now tell me. What's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"You seem i don't know, upset?"
"No. I'm totally fine."
"Nah. I know you. Better than anyone. So...tell me. What's upseting you?" Alex said bumping their shoulders together.
"Oh...Hey guys." Julie said walking down the stairs.
"Hey Julie." Alex said.
"What are you doing here?" Julie asked from the kitchen.
"Uhm. We just wanted to hang out here." Luke said.
"You got hungry?" Alex asked.
"Yeah. I wanted to grab something." Julie said smiling.
"That's good." Alex said.
"I'm gonna go now! I still have to finish some project for tommorow. I'm almost ready." Julie said and went to the couch kissing Luke on the cheek. "Don't make any noises."
"Don't worry." Alex said. And Julie left.

"So...Alex...How is with Willie?"
"Good. How is with Julie?"
"I'm happy. We both find someone. We moved on. And it's good. And, Luke. I'm happy for you! You deserve happines."

my happines is you! Luke thought.

"Thanks." Luke said with a soft smile.
"No problem,  dude."


Luke is still in love with Alex!
But he doesn't know if he should tell him.
Maybe he's gonna destroy they friendship. He doesn't want to lose Alex! He has him, even though they are just friends. At least he has him.

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