Chapter 2

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I woke up with my phone buzzing like crazy. I tried to get more comfortable in my bed as I tried to ignore the phone but it was impossible. Who the fuck calling me out my sleep? "Speak" I said into the phone as I answered it without look at the caller ID. "Man where you at? I told you to stop by" "you didn't say early" "Nigga, the fuck you mean early, it's 2 in the afternoon" I can tell he was mugging me through the phone. "aight I'll be there jus give me some time" I said hanging up without waiting for an answer.

I got out of my bed, got in the shower and threw on whatever I saw first that matched which was some black Nike sweat pants, a black hoodie and my af1. I was pretty sure that my mom was probably out and about doing God knows what. I locked the house behind me and started to walk to the tattoo parlor that Devonte's pops own. I've been saving up for a car with the money my mom wouldn't take for the bills so I could have my own transportation. Not that I really go anywhere anyways.

I had a decent amount saved right now and I just need about a thousand more and I'll be all set to get the all black Nissan Altima 2019 that I want. After a long 15 minutes walk, yes that's a long time to me, I finally made it to the tattoo shop. As I opened that door all eyes came to me. "Fuck you looking at?" I bucked at some random old white guy that was there. He jumped and I busted out laughing.

"Now you know you ain't right for that" Vonte said as he came from one of the many back rooms that people get they tattoo's done in. "Pops finna be up here inna minute" I sat down at one of the receptionist chairs spinning around waiting for him to come out. "I met this baddie the other day but I think she was trying to set me up" Vonte said out of nowhere. Here he go with this bullshit. " you wanna know why I think she was?" Before I could say no he started telling me.

" so I was at a club right, and she came up to me and I was feeling her. I bought her a drink and shit. Then she was like okay I'm with my friend can I go get her, and I'm like Hellll yeah. Thinking I'm bout to get 2 bad bitches. Why I see her coming back with Tanya. I ain't never ran so fast. I wasted my money buying her a drink" Tanya was Vonte's on and off girlfriend. "Then Tanya gonna text me talking bout some I saw you with my home girl like bitch okay you caught me lacking one time neva again" he said sucking his teeth. I was just shaking my head at this fool. Just then pops came to the front. "Hey pops I heard you got a job for me" I said while giving him a head nod.

"Yeah there's a spot open, you can make the appointments and answer the phone but you have to come in on time" I sat there still spinning in the chair. "You hear me boy?" "That depends what time do I need to come in at?" "7 AM-11PM Monday- Friday, 8am-9PM on Saturday and you'll have Sunday off" "Hell nah I don't hear you, fuck I look like waking up every morning that early" pops smacked me on the back of my head. "You will be because I said so, now you start tomorrow"

I was about to say some smart shit before I heard one of the back rooms door open and close so I looked in that direction. I was generally surprised when I saw the ole dude from the park. What was his name? Mayoniah or some shit like that. "Messiah this is Justus he's like a son to me, he will be working here so if he needs help could you help him for me?" Messiah just nodded as he was telling the dude how much the tat was before taking another patient.

"Where he from? And why is he here?" I asked turning towards Vonte after I saw pops walk away. "That's the main receptionist Mayla's younger brother he just got out of a relationship and moved down here." I just nodded. Now that I think about it they really do look a like. I didn't know Mayla had a younger brother though. I've actually been trying to get a little piece of Mayla for a while now but she was putting up a front like she don't like younger niggas. I know she want me but she wanna act all hard to get and shit I don't like that.

After spinning around in the chair for what seems liked hours I saw that dude come back from the back rooms again. I sat there watching his every move. I ain't like dudes vibe. I watched as he took the money from the girl he just got done tatting. I also noticed that she slipped him her number. I just simply rolled my eyes. I think he noticed my eyes on him because he turned around looking me dead in my eyes.

He started walking over to where I was sitting, he stopped and leaned over the desk. I was just looking at him waiting for him to speak. But he didn't. So I did. "What nigga?" I said with a full blown attitude. He just gave a goofy smile. Dude don't know who he messing with. "You don't look like a Justus" he said. "But it's kind of cute" "The fuck you mean cute? You gay?" He shook his head. "Good because I ain't with that gay shit" " I'm bisexual" he said grinning.

"Nigga it's the same thing." He stood up straight while stretching. "Nah it's not, I like guys and girls you said gay I'm not only into boys, although I prefer them over girls" I tilted my head looking at dude. "Well I'm not with that gay shit so don't bring it around me" I said mugging him. He simply walked away. I thought he was going to get another patient but he seemed to be clocking out. I saw him walk off to the back towards where pops went.

I just shrugged my shoulders putting on my coat and getting ready to go home. I then see him and pops walk from the back. "You leaving?" Pops said. "Yeah, I gotta get home" "let Messiah drive you I don't want you walking in the dark by yourself. "I'm grown I can do it" "nah let me drive you. Where you live?" "You the feds or something nigga, why you wanna know?" They looked at me as if I was dumb. "So I can drop you off home" he said as if it were the most obvious thing. Which it was but to play it off I said " I don't need no ride."

"I don't need no ride thank y'all, not they trying to pick me up" I heard Vonte yell from one of the many rooms out back. His dumbass. Pops was still looking at me silently begging me to just go and get a ride with Messiah. He knew I was in the streets hell he knew Vonte was in the streets with me. He wanted us out of them but we were too deep already. He just didn't want us to get deeper. I sighed. "Nigga what you sitting there for take me home." I said with an attitude walking outside to the parking lot.

I heard them back there whispering but I didn't pay them no mind. They better not be talking about me though because I'll shoot the whole shop up. Soon enough he walked out leading me to an all black BMW. Hmmm nice car I won't say it out loud though.

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