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Tubbo blocked Tommy's swing just before it connected. And the next one. And the next one.

It was no use. Tubbo knew Tommy's every move, the way he thought and the way he struck. Tommy remembered spending hours in Pogtopia with Tubbo, mastering swordplay to the best of their ability.

Tubbo had been so reluctant back then. He'd still clung to his hope, to the idea of peace without war.

Now his eyes scorched with cold fire as he slashed and jabbed with his sword, intent on drawing blood.

"You betrayed your nation!" Tubbo accused. He ducked under Tommy's defense and sliced at Tommy's shoulder.

"You betrayed everyone! You've forgotten what's right!" Tommy screamed, blocking Tubbo's blow and dodging another.

"You betrayed everyone! You just went off and did your own thing, and we all could have been killed for it!" Tubbo shouted, parrying a jab aimed at his heart. "You teamed up with Technoblade! I didn't leave you! You made it clear I wasn't welcome!"

"You know what I have to say to that, Mr. President?" Tommy swung at Tubbo's neck again, but his swipe was deflected easily. "You know what I have to say to that?"

"Let's hear it!"

Tommy twisted and grabbed Tubbo's collar, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "The discs were worth more than you ever were!"

Tubbo went limp in his grip, his eyes wide. Then he straightened up again, shoving Tommy away harshly. "Are you sure of that, TommyInnit?" he asked, his voice edged in ice.

Tommy refused to back down. "Oh, I'm very sure."

"Are you very, very sure?" Tubbo asked, his voice quiet. Deadly.

"I'm sure!"

"Last chance," Tubbo warned. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"I am!"

"Well, then there's no point in fighting," Tubbo decided, sheathing his sword and taking the disc from his pocket.

Tommy's blood turned to ice.

"After all," Tubbo remarked with a chilly smile, "it seems that this would hurt you far more."

Without another word, Tubbo handed Mellohi to Dream.


Tommy wanted to say something, but no words came out.

Dream smiled with equal coldness. "Thank you, Tubbo. I appreciate this very much."

"You're welcome, Dream. I hope you get good use out of it."

"No," Tommy whispered.

Not Tubbo.

This couldn't be happening.

"Tubbo," Tommy whispered.

"Tommy." Tubbo spoke frostily. "You gave me that disc to prove that you trusted me. And now you don't. So what's the point? After all, why would you want someone so worthless guarding your disc?"

Tommy wished he had a response. Something quick and witty.

But he didn't.

A cleared throat interrupted the moment. Techno waved his hand for attention. "I feel like this might be the wrong moment to bring this up, but I kind of have a lot of Wither skulls over here, and I'd rather not have the hours of grinding it took to collect them go to waste, y'know?"

At least fifteen heads snapped over to stare at Techno— seriously, when had all these people arrived? — and Techno shrugged. "Just saying."

"You know what, Techno?" Tommy asked. "I understand it now. Why you're always going on about how governments are evil. They're real wrong 'uns."

Techno grinned. "Finally! Honestly, it was taking you so long, I was kind of giving up on you. But now we're going to do so much violence together!"

Tubbo looked back and forth between them. "I don't understand."

"We're blowing up your country," Techno said bluntly. "Tomorrow." He turned to Tommy. "Unless, of course, you'd rather stay with Tubbo."

Stay with Tubbo.

It was awful how his mind reacted on instinct, sending zings of happiness through him at those words.

But reality caught up quickly enough.

Techno held out a hand to Tommy, and Tommy took it without hesitation. "I'm with you."

"Good choice, Theseus."


Tubbo watched as his former best friend and sworn enemy strolled away together.

He knew how Wilbur had felt, nearing the end of his life.

Perhaps this was a burden all presidents shared— a burden that led them to early graves.

He felt as though he was made of glass.

He held steady, for now. He had withstood all attacks so far.

But one day, one day soon, the pressure would be too much. He would crack.

And he would shatter.


Ah, we're finally past the canon and can get on with my own storyline and plot stuff.

Prepare for major angst/comfort ahead!

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