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An epilogue

Tubbo watched as Tommy cried over his dead body.

He was dead. Tubbo knew it. He did not know how he was here, but he was.

Was he a ghost? He wasn't sure.

He reached out to touch Tommy's shoulder, perhaps to say goodbye one last time, but his translucent fingers brushed straight through his friend's form.

He sighed.

"See you soon," he whispered.

And Tommy could have sworn, would swear to his deathbed that he heard Tubbo's voice speak ever so faintly that day, speaking three words.

See you soon.

But perhaps they would never truly know.

Still, Tommy repeated the words aloud, replying to the empty air with a voice shaky and hoarse from sobs. "See you soon, Tubbo."

Tubbo smiled as he vanished into the afterlife.


And here we come to the end of Hideaway. I really, really enjoyed writing this book, and I feel very happy with the way it closed out.

Marie, thank you so much for telling me that you enjoy this story, it gives me insane self-confidence where I didn't have much before. Ily platonically <3

Also, thank you Maya for convincing me to turn this into an angsty ending, it worked well ;)

I also find it interesting this story ended up fifteen chapters- just like Runaways, it's predecessor of sorts.

And that's all for Hideaway, readers.

See you soon...

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