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"Are you sure this will work?"

Tubbo still wasn't used to asking Dream questions without fear nor caution. As an ally, not an enemy.

But he is the enemy. And I have the advantage. He thinks he knows everything that goes on inside my head. But he can't see beyond my mask— he doesn't even know it's there.

It was the first time Tubbo had any advantage over Dream, and he found it was exciting to him. This isn't for fun, he tried reminding himself. But it still sort of felt like a thrilling adventure, a game of pretend.

Tubbo liked playing pretend. It helped him forget who he really was.

He didn't usually play the villain, though. That was a role he usually left to Tommy, when they'd played as kids.

Usually, Tommy would be a dinosaur and chase Tubbo around. Or Tommy would be a giant monster robot and stomp on Tubbo's block castle. Or Tommy would be a pirate, tie Tubbo up, and try to threaten Wilbur with Tubbo as a hostage (except Wilbur never played along).

Tubbo missed those times.

"Yes, Tubbo, I'm absolutely certain this will work," Dream asserted confidently. "Tell me, do you really think TommyInnit would leave his discs to burn?"

"No, never," Tubbo agreed. He had to admit Dream's plan was genius, in an evil sort of way. But it also required him to hurt Tommy— hurt Tommy more, that was.

But he'd do it. He'd hurt Tommy over and over again if it meant he could save the discs and bring down Dream, forever.

There were things bigger than Tubbo's former best friend.

Not that Tubbo wasn't doing this for him, because he knew fully well that this was about Tommy. This was his final apology, the last chance he'd have to do something worthy.

But he couldn't deny it was just a little bit thrilling to play the bad guy for once, especially since he already knew there would be a twist ending.

Tubbo liked twist endings, unless they involved someone he loved betraying him. He didn't like those so much.

He picked up the envelope.

Time to put the plan in action.


"Why are we doing this again?" Tommy complained as he trudged after Techno and Phil. Ranboo was behind him. He kept stopping to say hi to the endermen.

"It's just a hike, Tommy," Techno sighed. "How weak are you? Honestly!"

"Yeah, but it's hard."

Phil laughed. He wasn't having any problems with the strenuous hike up the mountain. He'd just spread his wings and flapped into the air.


Tommy found it highly unfair his father could have wings, but he didn't get any. Where was the universe's logic there?

"The point of hiking up here," Techno continued, "is that you have been staring at this mountain for days, talking about how cool it would be to climb, and I was trying to be nice and take you on a hike. Also, the top of this mountain looks like a good place for a hidden potato farm."

"Why do you need a hidden potato farm?"

"Why don't I need a hidden potato farm?"

Tommy gave up.

They crested over a ridge and suddenly, Techno stopped.

"What is it?" Tommy called ahead, forcing himself to put on a burst of speed and catch up.

Hideaway: A Dream SMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now