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Tubbo ran like hell.

He had the discs. He had the discs!

He hoped— prayed — that his betrayal would distract Dream long enough for Tommy to escape. Because if he hadn't...

Tubbo would never forgive himself.

He sprinted through the Nether, into the Overworld, past the Community House— all the way until he reached the place he knew Tommy would know to look for him.

The bench.

Tubbo sat down on the seat and trailed a finger along the oak wood, as if he could touch all the memories he'd made here.

He waited like that for a few minutes.

Then footsteps thumped on the grass behind him, and someone plonked down on the other side of the bench.

Tommy grinned at him. "Tubbo."

Tubbo smiled back. "Tommy."

It was all they had to say before they were hugging, tears streaming down their faces.

They pulled away, and Tubbo handed Tommy the discs. "I believe these belong to you."

"No," Tommy countered. "They belong to us."

Tubbo smiled.

Tommy set mellohi to play on the jukebox next to the bench, and for a while, they just sat in comfortable silence.

"Why did you do it, Tubbo?" Tommy asked after a bit.

"What do you mean by it? Which part of... all this?"

"Every part. How long have you been planning this?"

Tubbo looked down at his lap. "Since the night I gave away your final disc."

Tommy was quiet for another moment, then he ordered, "Tell me everything."

So Tubbo did.

He told Tommy everything— the facade he'd spent so much energy into maintaining, the way he'd purposefully missed Tommy's spine with the dagger in his back, his heartache every time he fought with Tommy. Everything.

When Tubbo finished his shoulders were shaking with sobs as tears streamed down his face. But then Tommy hugged him, and everything was okay again.

"You matter to me," Tubbo told him, needing to say the words. "You matter so much to me."

Tommy smiled.

They sat together that way for a long, long time, until the sun had reached high into the sky and was climbing back down to set on the horizon.

Tommy glanced at Tubbo as the sky turned into shades of red and golden orange. His heart felt as warm as the sunlight.

The oak tree arched over their heads, the bench was solid and steady beneath them, and the music of the discs swirled into their ears. A warm breeze blew, ruffling their hair.

Tommy wished he could stay in that moment forever.

He looked over at Tubbo and took a mental photo of his friend standing there, his face bathed in the orange glow of the sunset, his bangs blown out of his sparkling eyes by the gentle breeze, a happy smile on his face.

But the moment couldn't last forever, and all too soon Tubbo turned away. "I'd better get home."

"Where do you live now?"

Tubbo shrugged. "I built a new house on the arctic coast not far from Techno's house. I'm just over the ridge." He took a few steps away, then turned to look back at Tommy. "Goodbye, Tommy."

Tommy watched as Tubbo walked away.

And the sun set, and the night rose.



Foreshadowing go brr

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