Breaking The Law (Emilé Sandé)

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This comes as a request from @anselsmile. enjoy - its a tad on the MA side

Alex liked that he had asked her to stay a while longer. She especially liked the way he asked. The way he didn't need to.

She and Logan had been sitting peacefully, having just eaten a margarita pizza between them and without a movie on in the background too. She liked how they were comfortable in their silences. They were three months into dating and still felt like they knew each other the least out of their mutual movie cast friends, although, sometimes Alex felt like she had connected with Logan on another level, without even having had sex yet. She was amazed at how sometimes she could read his emotions and he could tell, by a single glance, how she was feeling.

That night was no different. What had started out as a simple yet hilariously entertaining game of "would you rather?" had turned into a deep and meaningful although still sometimes humorous, quick game of twenty questions. That was neither quick nor limited to twenty questions.

What had started as an "Oh my goodness, you'd really prefer that?" "Well, you see, as a kid I..." answer to a strangely intriguing learning curve of a "would you rather?" became an intense intimacy between the pair. And Alex loved every second of it.

"I was never really into sport," Logan didn't duck his head like most guys did when they admitted they weren't jocks. Instead, Logan was looking right at her, waiting- wanting - to see her reaction. No feeling an inch of judgement from her at all.

"Good," Alex grinned at him, Logan beamed back in response. He'd been smiling a lot lately and he liked to think it was because of her. "Because I played enough sport for the both of us."

Normally, Alex would have cared about admitting something like her tomboy tendencies, but not to Logan. With him, unlike any boyfriend she'd had before, she felt entirely comfortable and completely safe and wanted.

Logan rolled his eyes at her, "of course you did. Any other quirky 'little girl Alex' tendencies I should know about?" he raised his eyebrows at her, nudging her elbow with his own, pushing her a little into the arm of the couch.

"Oh I wasn't a little girl and if you stick around long enough, you might just find out." Alex smirked at him, flicking her wavy brown hair from her eye - partly for show, partly because she felt like there was too much hair covering her honest smile from his view. After all, she didn't want him to get the wrong idea, that she was pushing him into a serious relationship because if she was being truthful with herself he was a kid and what they were doing, even though it wasn't each other, was illegal and he would probably find a younger, prettier woman to be with anyway.

"I might just take you up on that offer." Logan smirked back, he had to, he liked that she implied a future with him, in them. He watched as Alex pulled her knees onto the sofa beside her, not so that she was sitting further from him with her feet between them. She seemed to have shuffled closer with the movement, her head almost resting on his shoulder but her hands still in her lap or rested on her foot. He wanted to hold her hands, to put it simply. She wanted him to rub his thumbs over her knuckles and kiss her palms as she fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Okay," Alex looked up at him, their eyes meeting in an intense moment of longing and want and a touch of illegality. "What is your secret obsession?" Alex gave him a look, like she wanted him to 'fess up' to a porn stash.

He didn't have to think too hard on his answer but he probably should have. "You." He kissed her cheek. It was true, he wasn't allowed to take her out or touch her any way but platonically in public (not her orders) but Logan really wished he could. He knew it was wrong but just sitting here with her he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until his lips were chapped, and that was at one in the morning, seeing her make-up-less face through tired lids, not even in the glittering sunlight when she was wearing proper clothes instead of her pyjama boxers and an old shirt of his she'd stolen from his hamper not six hours earlier when they were cleaning his trailer.

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