Chapter 15

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Those words seemed to concern Shotaro as he immediately went over to where Jieun's speakers were, connecting his phone and playing some music. It was clear that he did not want Sungchan hearing the conversation they were about to have.

"Okay Jieun, take a deep breath." Shotaro said as he sat down on the bed beside Jieun. "You need to think about this."

"You don't think I am?" Jieun exclaimed, more than frustrated with herself. "I'm so conflicted, I don't know what to do."

Shotaro shook his head. "You can't, Jieun. You really can't. We're so close to taking them down, Xiaojun and the Kangs found a connection, so we have bodies. All we really need now if your go ahead once you've gathered enough information and we'll be ready."

Jieun didn't like hearing this, she didn't like it one bit. Things were moving in all sorts of directions and she wasn't ready for any of it.

"I don't know how to do this." Jieun confessed. "I can't just stop myself, it doesn't work like that."

"You just need to find his flaws." Shotaro told her. "Find ways to hate him. Here, I'll give you one, he's a Phoenix."

Jieun rolled her eyes. "Wow thanks, didn't know that."

"Just trying to help." Shotaro said, giggling before his face became serious again. "But you really can't let yourself fall for him, no matter what. Not only because he's a Phoenix but because it's only going to be heartbreak in the end."

"I know, I know. Especially since they have a rule that Phoenixes can only date each other which means if I want to be with him, I need to be a Phoenix." Jieun told the male.

"Exactly! And you're not going to be a Phoenix, right?" Shotaro said, giving her a light punch.

"Not a chance." Jieun mumbled, although her voice was not as firm as it should have been.

Shotaro didn't seem to notice as he stood up, picking up his phone to turn his music off. "Good, because we have a goal in mind and we can't fail again. Also, Xiaojun wanted a quick update on your status."

"Of course he does." Jieun said with a deep sigh. "Well you can tell him I definitely have Renjun wrapped around my finger. I'm going to spend the whole day with him tomorrow."

"That's good." Shotaro said, giving Jieun a pat on the shoulder. "Keep it up, Jieun and just remember that this is just a small sacrafice we have to make to accomplish our goal."

"I know, I know, don't remind me." Jieun said, waving Shotaro away. "Now can I get some sleep now, I need to wake up early to get ready."

Shotaro giggled but still nodded his head, moving towards the door. "Alright, goodnight Jieun."

"Night, Taro." Jieun said as she yawned, Shotaro leaving her room.

Despite Shotaro's advice though, Jieun still felt uneasy about meeting Renjun.


"This is so early." Jieun yawned as she got onto Renjun's motorcyle. Renjun coudln't help but smile to himself as he felt Jieun bury her head into the back of his shoulder, her arms snuggling around his waist.

"Welcome to the life of a college student." Renjun joked as he made sure the girl was sitting right before starting his bike.

Soon, the two of them were at the college again, except this time, the parking lot was full as Renjun placed his bike beside the others that were there.

"Is it weird?" Jieun asked as they got off, aware of the stares they were getting. "That I'll be spending all day with you even though I'm not a Phoenix."

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