Chapter 3

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A/n lmao sorry for not updating

"Loosen up you filthy slut" The apple father growled at Harry. The two of them were getting dirty in the Malfoy shed, which is a few meters from the Malfoy Greenhouse, which, of course, is right next to Mapple. Draco and Harry have been getting it on nonstop for four in a half days now, taking only short water and food breaks, which consisted of rainwater and mushrooms outside. They still think it's hot, so they do them I guess (which they are ahahaha)

Mapple puts her headphones on and walks over to the apple tree. She plucks one off it's stem, then goes back to the mossy bench to nibble on it (cannibalism). She watches the sky as raindrops fall. She stands up with the apple, then walks back into the Manor.

"Hey Apple," Forrest says, looking at his "mother", "what if dad's cheating on you."

Mapple gives Forrest a glare as she walks in. "He'd never do that and you know it."

Forrest turns around to face his sister. "Oh, shut up green bean. What do you know."

Apple looks at the two of them. "Your father is just busy at work." Then she leaves the room.

Mapple plops down in a black chair in the hallway (because that's what rich kids do). "Maybe if you weren't such a jerk people would like you." She grumbles.

Forrest rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't put it past our father though. If I were him I wouldn't want to be married to a fucking apple. An APPLE! Who in their right mind would cum in an apple." Forrest scoffs.

Mapple gives her brother a look of disbelief. "That's so rude of you! They love each other. This is why you have no friends." She gets up and turns around.

"Nah, I have no friends because I speak the truth. People don't like that." He smirks and leans back. "Besides, everyone knows how stupid an apple love story is. Hell, I bet there's fucking fanfiction writers laughing about it."

Mapple rolls her eyes and goes to her room. If it weren't for her green mother none of them would be here. Not that Forrest cares of course. He hates this family.

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