Chapter 4

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Draco steps away from Harry, who was passed out in the wheelbarrow. He peeks out the little crack in the shed, seeing that the hidden garden was now empty.

"Potah." He spits. Harry grumbles and turns over, dizzy. "Time for you to go."

"What? Surely it isn't. We've only been in here four days. You said we'd be at it for weeks."

Draco huffs. "That was an exaggeration. Get out." He unlocks the door and steps to the side, giving Potter enough room to walk out.

Harry stands up, a little off balanced. He walks out of the shed, ignoring Draco's stare, then simply waltz out of the garden. Once out of Draco's sight, off his property, he apparates to where he should've been all along: grocery shopping.

That specific grocery store was stocked with bright green, smooth, curvy apples.

Draco scans the garden, then walks out of the shed. He quickly locks it before throwing his coat on, proceeding to go onto the other side of the mansion and inside. For the past 4 1/2 days He's been sleep deprived, running on adrenaline, raw, and doing whatever he could to not get caught. Honestly, he was growing tired of the apple. Sure, human cum did make the apple mutate and grow into a regular green human, but the insides were still all the same. Hard and not squishy enough. He needed a REAL human to satisfy his needs and the only person up to the task just happened to be Harry Potter.

Draco walks around the front porch. He crouches down to rub his fingers through the variety of succulents and roses before standing back up. He takes a deep breath, then lets himself  back into his house.

He breathes in the air only to be greeted with an unfamiliar scent.

"Oh, Rapple! You must be starving." Draco hears his wife from the kitchen.


The red apple.

Draco's nemesis. Ever since Hogwarts that damn red apple always was out to get the Green Apple.

And today, he's here.

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