Chapter 1

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The sky is a cloudy gray with a chilling breeze through the air. The grass is damp from the morning mist.

The green-skinned Malfoy looks around the garden. There's several apple trees with small green apples sprouting on them.

She takes a breath and continues walking around, dew clinging to her long cloak. She makes her way to a bench and sits down.

"Greetings Mapple." The older boy next to her says, holding back a laugh. He looks perfectly normal- platinum blond hair with light skin and piercing green eyes, like his mother's.

Mapple ignores her brother. No matter what insult he threw at her they still had one thing in common-They both came from a tree.

"Father's gone again, where'd you reckon he went?" Mapple mutters.

Her brother responds with a small shrug.

Mapple says nothing. She turns around to look as she heard some faint footsteps. Mapple sees a familiar face-another Green-skinned sibling. Her brother glances over as well, then returns to looking at the grass.

"Hey Mapple! Oh-hey Forrest." Mapple's sister skips over to her siblings.

Mapple gives her sister a small wave. "Hey Olive."

Her real name is Oliver, but she prefers to be called Olive since it's more food-like.

Forrest softly scoffs and stands up. "I'm out of here. Bye freaks." And, with that, he leaves the garden.

Mapple and Olive watch Forrest walk off, then Olive sits next to Mapple.

"Have you seen father? He hasn't been home in a few days. Mother is beginning to feel, well, worried." Olive says, looking at the apple trees.

Mapple lowers her glance. "He may just be busy at work..." but she didn't fully believe that.

"Yeah, but this is four days now! Don't you think he would have written or something?" Olive turns to face Mapple. "This is getting worrisome."

Mapple gives Olive a small nod. "You're right. This isn't normal."

Meanwhile, while the duo were discussing matters, Draco was planting kisses down Harry Potter's neck...

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