Madara X Reader

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Jumping from branch to branch, your silver kimono sleeves waved behind you like a whip. The Crimson Obi was starting to unravel at your rapid speed. Looking over your shoulder you let out a muffled laugh. He was right on your tail with fire for eyes. Maybe putting blue dye in the bathwater wasn't a good idea. You could see the blue from under the red-plated armor. "You are enjoying this aren't you!?" Madara shrieked from behind you. His eyes wide and pupils narrow. He had covered every inch of his person before he shot off after you. Madara being the color blue? His reputation would be destroyed. You giggle, his reactions, when he was angry, were always the best. He would lose his calm and collected, domineering attitude and turns damn near into a 5-year-old who lost a toy. Letting a laugh slip through, you continued to leap away from his as fast as you could. You actually enjoy having the ability to walk. Unlike other female Uchiha's you pick on your other half, and he picks on you just as much.

"Damn...Stupid Izu-chan." Your brother-in-law glanced over at you and shrugged. "You wouldn't stop running from Ni-sama." Glaring at him you huffed and crossed your arms over Madara's shoulder. You had been thrown over his shoulder after Izuna had popped out of nowhere and scared you so bad you had fallen out of the tree and into a bush. Madara laughed at your failure before picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder and slapped your ass in punishment. "You would be running too if you had done what I did..." You muttered pouting. Izuna stared at you blankly. "I'm not stupid." Was his response before turning away as if he didn't just insult your intelligence. "WHA!? You!" Madara shook trying to hold his laughter back but ended up howling loudly. "I'm glad you're enjoying my pain and suffering. I'm dying inside over here. My ego is completely crushed and shall never be found. I hope you're proud of yourself." You huffed falling flat on Madara's back with bubble tears flowing from your eyes. "I'm sorry." Izuna started making you perk up, "But I thought it was common sense that your intelligence was questionable." Once again you wailed.

Kneeling at the foot of the bed you crossed your arms, ignoring Madara completely. He had forced you to soak in the blue water for an hour. Luckily, it wasn't too blue anymore, so you only had a light tint of blue. Another good thing was that with another clean bath it'd come off easily. It also means Madara is back to his normal pale while your stuck with blue skin until he allows the water in the compound to work again. You'd find a way.

"Well? Are you done moping around? Or are you going to continue acting pfft 'Blue' throughout the night? Cause I'm going to bed." Madara questioned with a stifled howl of giggles before calming down and tilting his head with the covers folded over his bare body. You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes and unknowingly let them drift down. Madara smirked and lifted the cover slightly and held back a chuckle when your eyes sharpened, and you blushed red. You could just barely see the middle of his V-line, the damned covers kept you from seeing just an inch down. That stupid inch was keeping you from seeing everything your man held with the highest pride. "You're a stupid horse ya know that." Chuckling he grinned. "Mm, I know. What are you going to do?" humming you tapped your bottom lip and shrugged. "I guess I can catch you." You stood up and threw your legs over his waist. Trapping the Shinobi legend down with only two fingers and your ass. "Mm try it." Madara purred rubbing your hips. His head was tilted back letting him gaze into your eyes. His coal orbs flashed red only for you to cover them with your hand. "Damn, I thought I had you that time." He chuckled and relaxed into your kiss. "Sweetheart, you are pushing it." You whispered in his ear. A growl rumbled in his throat, pulling your hand away you sat up and rolled your hips. Smirking at his hard stare and clenched jaw.

Dipping down to catch his lips with your own, you smirked. Pulling back only slightly you whispered into his ear. "I'm not done pouting. Plus, I will get a bath." Hopping off him you started to walk to the bedroom shoji. You could hear the sudden shift of fabric before you bolted away from him for the second time today. You giggled, launching your body out the nearest window and into a random direction.

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