HashiramaXHyuugaF Pt2 Lemon

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Hinami was leaning over her desk in a light sleep. The sudden settlement of her clan was taking its toll on her much harder than she had originally thought. Her mouth was parted slightly, the soft snores sounded lightly in the dimmed room.

The pair of dark orbs watched from afar at her peaceful figure. Their gaze strong and glued to her person and didn't leave until the sun had kissed the sky in greeting.

"Hinami-sama, I have a message from the 'Hokage'." A man kneeled with the bamboo roll held above his head. Sighing Hinami reached over a took the roll and unraveled it. The bamboo sticks clinked together loudly and the black ink on the sticks showed to be smudged in the folds. Nevertheless, the message was literate, saying her presence was desired in the Hokage's office immediately.

Her long white sleeves hid her blistered hands from view, and she sat calmly at the table inside Hashirama's household main room. Her eyes fluttered open when the man himself sat in front of her with a bright grin.

"Is there a reason why I was summoned here Lord Hokage?" her head tilted to the right in curiosity. Hashirama blinked owlishly before he busts out laughing. "Haha does there need to be a reason why I want to invite a friend over for dinner?" shaking her head Hinami gave him a leveled stare as he shot back a disk of sake. Completely unguarded with her. His flushed cheeks appeared fast even with the small amount he'd drank.

All throughout this Hinami sat in silence as Hashirama blabbed, sobbed comically, and drank. When he seemed to have enough Hinami went to stand before he said something that hit her like lightning.

"When Madara and I saw you fully for the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Even when the marriage to unite the Uzumaki and Senju clan went through I still had your image in my head. I tried to forget you so I could learn to love Miko, but it never worked. When I realized you were a clan leader, I rushed the idea of a treaty and basically forced the elders to accept it." Hashirama's voice was slurred and some of his words ended in a mutter, but Hinami was able to understand every word. Her pupil less eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped in stunned surprise. Had he just....had he just confessed? Not only to favoring her but also the reality behind the Treaty!?

"And I'm still in love with you.....but Shhhhh.....Don't tell Hinnaaamiii~" Hashirama sang drunkenly. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Hinami couldn't stop the howl of natural laughter that belted from her lips. When she realized how ugly she sounded she froze and pretend to cough.

Calming down Hinami went around the table and tried to lift Hashirama up and to Miko. Hopefully, she hadn't been near enough to hear anything. Moving to the shoji door that looked to be the only lit, Hinami assumed it to be the couple's room. Nearing the door Hinami stopped, before turning around bringing Hashirama with her.

She knew she would get rumors spreading fast if she brought a drunk man home, but to bring a married drunk Hokage home? She might as well had lit a forest on fire then misted Oil over it. But she had to do it. She could deal with rumors. But the possible destruction of the village was not something she ever wished to deal with.

The lilac covers draped across his lower waist, his dark brown home-Kimono had been stripped and replaced with a grey sleep-kimono. His hair was brushed and pulled back into a ponytail keeping it from tangling throughout the night. Dusting her palms Hinami moved to the next room 'her office' to keep herself busy all night.

Groaning Hashirama turned to the side and curled up, his head was pounding! Blinking slowly the brunette realized the unfamiliar area and shot up alert and looked around. When he looked over himself, he started to lose his shit. He was changed, and his hair was pulled back! Now he was even more freaked out. He ripped the covers off the bed to make sure there wasn't a naked body hidden next to him. Sighing in relief Hashirama stood and started to sneak around hoping to figure out where he was before anyone else found him. The Shoji door right beside his was cracked slightly, unable to resist, he peeked into the room and saw Hinami asleep on her desk. Hashirama felt his heart leap in his chest in joy before running cold. Had he done something!? Did he take advantage of her? Is he gonna die!? Was the biggest question right now. He ran around in panic before freezing when Hinami shifted in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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