-15-, but it's the kids

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I'm kinda getting back into the Aphmau fandom, so yeah. Also as the title suggests, it's the kids.

Alan - Aarmau son
Nixon - Zane~chan son
Ethan & Alexander/Kateo - Zane~chan twins
Casey - Zane~chan son
Ezekiel - Travlyn son
Nate/Nathan - Gasha son
Xander - Gasha son
Andy - Garkim son
Jackson - Garkim son
Melacio - Melcinda son

(These aren't all the kids but only the ones here)

Alan: You hear what happened to that Italian chef?

Ethan: What happened?

Alan: He pasta way.

Ethan: ...

Ethan: I wish you would pasta way.


Ethan: WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT STUFF... wait. Frick? Stuff? Wha-why can't I cuss!?

Andy: Probably because we're based off a Minecraft Roleplay made for kids.

Ethan: ... What?

Andy: Yeah, stuffs fricked.

Ethan, on the verge of tears: ... ᶦ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵍᵒ ʰᵒᵐᵉ.


Ezekiel: If you guys had to take a sip of alcohol for everytime you've done something bad, how drunk would you be?

Nixon: Definitely a bit tipsy.

Melacio: Heh. Sober.

Andy: Less than whatever Ethan would be.

Kateo: Dead.

Ethan: Non-existent.


Casey: Why does the inside of my mouth taste like spinal fluid?

Jackson: What? First of all, you shouldn't be able to taste. Second of all, how do you know what spinal fluid tastes like?


Jackson: Yeah we're trans.

Ethan: Tans-cending space and time.


Xander: You ever wonder what glass tastes like?

Nathan: No-

Ethan: Yeah.


Ethan: *opening the pantry*

Kateo: *falls out and onto his face*

Ethan: Why were you in the pantry?

Kateo, pained: I was going to make a joke about me being pansexual, but now I think I need an ambulance.

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