Chapter One

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Harry's POV

Here I am packing my bags, honestly something I never thought I would do. With the treatments, moments of weakness , and clingy parents I thought I would live in Cheshire, England for the rest of my life.

"Harry dear, did you get everything into the truck?"

"Yeah, Mum." I yelled through the door while I was outside putting the last box in the truck.

The driver came out with his clip board and started walking towards me.

"Just sign right here son." I signed the papers and he went into the truck and went on his way.

"All my stuff is now going to be shipped, now that that's taken care of I better get ready for the airport."

"Honey I know I've asked before but are sure about this?."

"Mum, you don't have to worry I will have a personal nurse there. I promise I'll be fine."

"Oh okay. Go get your stuff ready, I love you!"

" I love you to mum."

I blew her kiss and went up stairs to pack. Honestly these stairs wear me out, my room is on the third floor so it feels like I'm walking up steps forever. To be honest I don't think I'll miss this mansion, the space isn't really for me. Of course I'll miss my parents but I'm ready to leave the United Kingdom. I've heard things about America, not all great things but I'm willing to take those chances.

I'm a very organized person, I kind of always have been one. I guess that's what you become when you've kept up with a lot of medicine and different types since high school. I was home schooled all of high school. Like I said I really didn't have a social life, okay well actually I never had one. I was diagnosed freshmen year. I had to leave all my friends from middle school and I left the extracurriculars I was in. Freshman year of college was okay I missed a lot of school, due to trying to improve my health which in the end must of worked. I have improved so much I can be on my own I just can't slip up.

"Okay I have everything I need."

I whispered to myself before taking my bags and walking out of my room for the last time. I started heading down the stairs counting every step as I made my way down. Man maybe I will miss this place a little, I did grow up here after all.

"Mum! Dad! I'm ready to leave."
I yelled on my last step of the stairs. I could see the tears in their eyes as they hugged me.

"Okay, are you sure you have everything? Oh and before l forget here's the money for the car. Please buy a nice one that works really well and here's a check of money we will send you one every month. Okay?"

"Thank you mum! I love you."

"I love you too, say bye to your Dad before we leave."

"Love you Dad, I'm going to miss you."

"Love you too son, live it up! Okay?"

"Will do, bye." I said as we walked out the door and into the car to start my life!


We finally arrived at the airport with both me and my mom in tears.

"God, I love you so much Harry. Now listen before you speak I just want to say first off I am so proud of you, never forget that. If you need anything you call me and I am on my way. I know I'm just blabbing right now but please be safe whether you've improved or not you still have a disease and I just can't lose you."

She hugged me tighter than she ever has. I wiped my tears and looked her in the eyes.

"Don't worry Mum I'll take care of myself I promise. I have everything I need, I'm going to miss you so much. I love you!"

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