Chapter 5

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Hey guys... I'm sorry this took so long to come out... I was really busy with school while also was in the process of moving. I couldn't say anything cause I was keeping it a secret from my friends. I don't know if they read the stories I write, but I can't be to careful. Anyway our new house is still under construction and may take about a month to complete. Then move all the furniture in. Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the short chapt. I could really only write in my free time, which wasn't much. Again I'm really sorry...
On an old railway system

The train zooms down the track, no sign of stopping, a man with red curly hair pilots, while being talk to by the railway police.
" This is the railway police, train 645- please respond"
Only not to get an answer all the trains workers laid dead on the floor.
"Do you read, train 645–" the sound of gun shots when off as the Railroad Administration Centers communicator was shot through, silencing the man on the other end.
The gun was then pointed at the red haired men's head. " you better be right about that basterd showing up, cause I swear if your lying..."

Royal Police Coastal Branch
"The railway police, say a National Rail freight is out of control on loop line two." Kaela reports. " do you think, I should divert Alpha?" She says.
" don't bother. Let the army and police handle it. That is their job right?" Kieth says as him and Eric are watching the screen.
" wait the I.F.V isn't on it" Eric says bringing it to attention.
" Regardless, I'm sure the fool aboard that fright train, will be made out to be the perpetrator after everything settles down. For now, we play the waiting game"

Back on The Train

"There!" The red head exclaimed knowing a certain a certain person is on the train with them.
A person drops down onto the train with a bang before standing up. A face popped over the train car showing the face of Julian, who gasps after seeing him, then climbing over to get on top of the train car. " You!" he yells. " I can't believe it!, you actually showed up!, hey yea—" he was cut of by a sharp blade being slammed into his head going all the way through and into his mouth.
"Your hard work is much appreciated." The red haired man says before yanking the knife out and kicking him over the side of the train. He then punches a few letters into his phone.

At the blimp ( Canopus )

A white haired man pulls out his phone to check a message, before closing it and looks out over the city.
A women walks up to him.
" Did he show up" she asks.
" yeah" he answered.
"Is it him" the women narrowed her eyes at the man.
" well if Quinn won't be returning, then we'll know."
He looked at her before looking back out toward the city.

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