Chapter 4

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The sound of marker to bored sounded through the room, as Kieth wrote theory's only he could understand
"What on earth is that man doing" Kaela said as she, John, and Eric watched him as he wrote.
She continued, " What's with all the weird squares
and triangles"
"As I recall correctly ," John answered, "he's referring to something like-a"—
" You don't know do you" Kaela said, interrupting him.
"He and I have known each other for twenty years now, and I've never once known what goes on in his head" John said continuing to watch Kieth as he talked.
"That's nothing to brag about" Kaela said.
John continued, " No, but if you give him time, he always comes up with an answer."
"You sure—" Kaela said but was interrupted by the loud squealing sound the marker against the bored made.
Kieths marker then runs of the white bored shocking everyone. Kieth looks at his calculations running over every possibility in his mind. " Is it a diversion or a robbery? Maybe a diversion to aid a robbery."
"Ways to Avoid Thermal Detection"

"There are two routs, one above and another below"
Kieth then took the marker and brought it to the monitor, putting a dot on the screen, before swirling spirals around the said dot.
"Eric" he said. "Do you remember-this place"
"Hey, what are you doing that's an expensive monitor!!" Kaela shouted going on def ears.
"  That would be Oris Heavy Industries" Eric said.
"Yeahhh" Keith said pulling out the h, " I want to know what's beneath it" he said pointing down with his finger. " The abandoned Alpine Metro line." Eric said before realizing something.
Shooting his head over to Kaela, " it connects to the trans-island railways!" He said with great importance. Kaela shot her head to he computer after hearing Eric and started typing on her computer, typing in 'closed railway' with sights coming up with the metro line.
"The terminal station on the summit is now the Museum of Flight." She said.

In that exact location two people a man and a women walked out of an elevator . The man had white hair and a tattoo of sorts under his eye. And the women had pink hair and blue eyes. They both headed towards a giant blimp getting ready to take off.


"Alpha, head to the old Alpine Metro line, Beta to the Museum of Flight ASAP" Eric shouted in the coms.
"As for you"- he continued " Contact the military, have them keep an eye on the skies!" He said to Kaela " I'm on it sir"

Okay guys 17:40 is all I could write tonight, I unfortunately have school too do till further notice. We've been doing zoom calls for the last two weeks and won't be going to regular school till Mabye October, ( we really have no idea.) I have to get up at 6:30 in the morn, but I still wanted to give you a chapter since I promised a chapter at the end of the month, so this one is a little bit shorter then the rest. Also I finally got YouTube to work with me and I got to put the theme up for this chapter.
I know you probably don't read these but if you did thx for the support, love you all, sweet dreams.

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