Chapter 1

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( take wing and gather, as the festival of stars is nigh.)

(You're amazing you know that?)

(Just the rookie we've been hoping for.)

A bunch of words and phrases from different people sounded together like an echo from the future and the past


(Honestly,I'm surprised you didn't know that.)

In Cremona, There has been a series of murders. Due to the mark left behind, He's called, Killer B.

Frantic footsteps and pants echoed through the forest. A young women, with tape on her mouth, and her hands behind her back, ran with all her might. Hoping and praying she could escape, from her cruel fate. Thought sadly enough her hope wasn't going to save her from her captors as they watched her every move. Two men stood on a hill side hidden by trees. Watching as she ran past. One of the men readied an arrow waiting to shoot her. One of the arrows knocked her down, but she got up and continued running down the dirt path. Still running she is hit with an arrow that went into her left thigh and out the other side. The girl shrieked, and fell due to the pain that the arrow had caused her. The young women laid on the ground with her attackers standing above her one with a bow in his hand.
"Is she dead" one of the men asked. The other reached down and pulled the arrow out of her leg with no mercy for the women. She screamed out but didn't move much more then that. " nope she's still alive and kicking" The man responding to their comrades question.
"in that case hurry up, and get started!!"
One of the men picked up a pair of bloodied scissors and moved closer to the girl
"I guess it's time for us to clean our kill"
One of the men then kicked her so she was laying on her back, screams of protest sounded out of her, but barely heard due to the tape on her mouth. Her eyes widened has the man with the scissors stood over her. A leg on either side of her body. He squatted down to get a better angle with the scissors in hand, about to plunge them down.

Suddenly, as the women screamed in fear. A dark figure with wings appeared from the darkness, heading straight for the two men. Killing them with the knife connected to his arm. Scaring the women who was about to be ended not even 3 seconds ago.
The men's dead bodies landed right beside a hidden camera giving the person on the other side a good view of what happened . "Henry!, Richard!" The man screamed their name out not knowing what had killed them. The camera was then moved to show a blue and black eye. The man screamed. In horror at what he saw realizing this monster, just killed his brothers.

Kingdom of Cremona, Old Town

In the Kingdom of Cremona , old town. A young man in a blue shirt and white pants. Walked along the top of an orange roof, looking at the ocean as he walked, before reaching the edge of the roof and dropping down , to the ground below. walking down the street before stopping at a local bakery .
" Hey! Want some freshly baked buns!" a man inside the store yelled out at him.

Walking down the road with a paper bag in his arms, watching the scenery as he went. He past a road sign with a large violin, read in red and green letters.
"Stella Day Martino".
Past the Sign was a house that doubled as a violin repair Shop. That had the small sign as the Billboard on the front of it. Walking closer he heard voices.
"oh crap! oh crap! oh crap! I'm so late"
As that was said a young women ran out of the top of the building with a red jacket that had the letters R.I.S on the back of it, she had greenish,gray pants and brown boots. Her hair was styled in a small pony tail. Her bag flying behind her as she ran. Running down the stairs passing the young man. "oh there you are, good morning lily." he said in a calm voice. " "morning, Koku!" she yelled back.
" I bought some-- he was saying but Lily cut him off. - Sorry, Koku , I'm running late, maybe next time OK!" She yelled as she drove of in her small green car. " but these are freshly baked red bean buns. " He said, he mostly bought them for her as he knew she was always hungry. He looked at the bag , and started to turn around towards the building. When a car backed up into the buildings drive way. It was Lily again running past Koku while yelling to her mom how she forgot her ID and if her mom had seen it. " You would lose your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders" her mother yelled back at her.

Lily's Green car drove down the rode to the scene her team was investigating coming across police tape, telling cevilins that they weren't allowed inside.
" this is 105. We have located a homeless man's tent located of the forest road."

"112 here, blood stains found in parking lot. Leaving them for the CSI."

Lily came running into the crime scene. A man from the RPC saw her and lifted the tape up for her to pass through.
" good morning, ma'am!" he said though this led to him being snapped at by Lily.
She turned the corner seeing her good friends Boris, and Y/n leaning on a log cabin watching the crime scene.
" good morning, how are things going" she asked them.
Y/n looked at her, as Boris didn't even turn his head knowing it was Lily.
"wow decided to show up"
He said " yea sorry about that".
"OK, what did you forget this time." Y/n has always been a friend of Lily's. This means always knowing why she was late, and most of the time it was because she forgot something, or slept in.
Lily looked at y/n and rubbed her head awkwardly knowing she found her out.
"oh" she said snapping out of her awkwardness. " You guys interested in a red bean bun? It's freshly baked." y/n facepalmed but took one non the less. She didn't really have breakfast that morning. Boris still looking at the crime scene said," eating at a crime scene? That's bold of you." though he still took one as well. As the were talking a little ways away from them a man was squatted down looking at a feather twisting it back and forth between he thumb and his index finger. Lily, y/n and Boris walked up to a tree that had a familier mark on it. A capital B with four slash marks right next to it. Suddenly there was a commotion to the left of them. A man crouched surrounded by RPC members. Who were asking him to leave. Lily seeing this walked over , y/n following her. "hey! Who the heck is that!" she yelled. The RPC members looking back at her " uh , he said he's with the R.I.S."
One of the told her. Lily walked up to him " well he's not and you know you can't let cevilins in here." Boris noticing the comotion looked over to see both Lily and y/n trying to get him to leave. Walking over he said " ah! Is that you , Genie it's been awhile." " genie" y/n questioned looking over at Boris. " Eric and Jean are dying to see you! You should visit them." The man then stood up and looked over to Boris. " hey there" he said.
Y/n could have sworn he looked familiar.

OK so this took me an hour and a half just to write 5:30 seconds of this show and we're just on EP 1 ugh this is going to be a utter pain in the ass to finish. Every episode seems to be about 30 min long and if it took me and hour and a half to write that much, I probably would be writing forever, just for one episode. So I've decided to space this out each 5 min for each chapter. This will also help the story be longer and will be less pain and depression on me. I'm actually thinking about putting y/n with Keith. But mabye not because then I need to add plot and such which will take forever to do. I'm also thinking of posting every Friday or Sunday depends on school. Ok I just hope everything good were you are and you all hopefully won't get sick. Stay safe everyone❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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