Chapter 21

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-Elora's POV-

It's December 22nd.

I have already owled the invitation to my friends for the ball. They are going to have a sleep over here in the house tonight and I asked them to meet me at Diagon Alley.

Our Christmas Ball was always held at December 23rd. We didn't put it on December 24th because we want the others to spend their Christmas with their families at home.

The Christmas Ball was only for the People who are from the Wizarding world. It was kind of a secret ball since it was only for wizard and witches. Most of the visitors are from the Ministry, Papa was friends with them.


I was getting ready to meet them when a letter arrived. It was from my old friend from Beauxbatons. I quickly opened it and it reads.

Dear Elora,

I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your family's Xmas ball this year. My Mom and Dad decided to migrate to America. They also decided to transfer me in Ilvermorny. I was really sad when they told me that.

I was about to write to you about it, but you owled me. I'm really sorry, Elora. I really wish I could attend to your Family's Xmas ball.

I'm going to miss you, Elora. You made my year great back in Beauxbatons. Thank you for being my sister and a friend!

We'll meet again some time soon. I love you!

Your friend and sister,
Cassandra Ikeda

I'm really excited upon meeting her tomorrow, but it just turned upside down. I didn't expect it.

I took a quill and a paper out in my drawer to write her back.

I gave the finished letter for Cassandra to my owl. Then, my owl flew away, holding my letter and delivering it to my friend. I hope it would reach her. I'm going to miss her so much.

I watched my owl fly away until she became a little dot on the sky. Then walked to my fireplace, taking the Floo Powder on the top of my fireplace and went inside. I cleared my throat before saying the word. "Diagon Alley."


I waited for them in Florean Fortescue's Ice cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. I brought with me a small book so I would never get bored waiting for them.

"I'm sorry were late. Ron and Harry was too lazy to get out of bed." Hermione told as they took the empty seats next to me.

"Its ok, at least you guys are here now." I smiled.

Blaise and Luna then came in.

"Good Morning." Luna greeted.

"Hey, Tala. Thank you for inviting me on your Family's ball. What is it all about?" He chuckled.

"It's a Christmas Ball, Blaise." I giggled. "Come on, let's apparate back to our home." I said to them.

"What about Cedric?" Harry asked.

"Oh, he owled me earlier this morning and said that he would come tomorrow before the party." I replied.

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