The event

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This chapter may not be the best one BUT I promise that it gets better :)
This is the first chapter so it's boring don't expect anything from this one 😃

You just turned 18 and moved out from your parents house . You recently broke up with your toxic boyfriend so you moved to Florida, to have a fresh start. You haven't done much since you came to your new house so you decided to go out and buy some stuff for your house. You went to get a quick shower before you went to the store.

You turned on some music and got in the shower. When you got out of the shower eventually, you dried your hair and put on some light makeup, sweats and a cute tank top.

You grab your keys and get into your car. You connect your phone to the car and start playing your favorite playlist. After 15 minutes of driving, you arrive at Walmart. You get to the decor aisle and start picking stuff for your house. You find a fluffy blanket and decided that you needed to get it, you also find some cute plants and pillows.

On your way home you decide to get some food so you drive to the nearest restaurant and order some food. While you wait for your food to come, you scroll through twitter and see that dream tweeted something and you read it, your eyes are now wide opened.


You sit and stare and your phone in excitement that you didn't notice that the food came to your table. You blink twice and take you phone away. You look at the table and see that the food was there. You start eating but the food is kinda cold and you wonder for how long time you zoned out.

When you finish eating, you get back to your car and drive back home. At home you unpack the stuff you bought and start placing it around your house. Its now 7 pm and you get ready to bed. You set your alarm, so that you have time to get ready for the Dream team meetup. You listen to some music and eventually fall asleep.

Next morning you wake up to your alarm, you instantly got up and went to take a hot shower. You put on a cute outfit and fix your hair. You had plenty of time so you go on a new Minecraft server and decided to speedrun the game like dream does.

You got into the game and forgot the time. The dream team meet up started one hour ago. You got an notification and checked it. You look at the time and see that the meet up started. "SHIT!" You say and run out to your car.

You drove for about a hour, and finally arrived. You get to the line to get a picture, you look forward and see a little white tent. You wait and wait and wait.

Finally its your turn, you slowly open the tent and see a dirty blond haired guy sitting in the middle of george and sapnap. Sapnap looks at you and says "HI!!" "Hello", you say with a excited but scared voice.

"Whats your name?" Dream ask. "Y/n" you say and smile. "Hi y/n" they say. You take a picture with all of them and talk about Minecraft for a bit.

You slowly walk away, still not believing that you saw dream. You hear them talking but you don't hear what they are saying. When you open the tent you hear Dream scream at you.

"Y/n WAIT !!" You turn around and say, "What?" Dream says, "Do you want an......autograph?"

"Okay", you say confused. George gives you a picture of his cat with their autograph, he looks at you with a smile and says, "have a good day!" You walk away confused. You go back to your car.

You sit down and look at the picture, you turn it around and see that they wrote something at the back of the picture. You read it "Hey y/n do you want to meet us here in the tent later".

George X y/n Where stories live. Discover now