Sapnap comes home

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It's quiet, you and Dream don't talk at all just  the sound of the car driving on the road. You finally arrive at the hospital, you get out of the car and wait for Dream to get out.

You are kinda scared to see George's reaction, what George is going to say. "Y/n!" "Y/n!". "Huh,what" you zoned out and didn't notice Dream got out of the car.

"Y/n are you okay you are acting weird since the morning". "It's just George, I think he's mad at me". "But why, he said that he loved you y/n".

You look up at Dream, and start walking into the hospital. You say your name and walk over to George's and Sapnap's room. "Can you go first,Dream". He nods and open the door. You hide behind him and walk after Dream.

Dream walks over to George and give him a hug, you just stand behind him and think of the worst thing that can happen. Dream goes over to Sapnap and you still stand beside George's bed. He grabs you be your waist and pull you down to his bed. He gives you a hug and apologize for what he did.

"George why are you apologizing, you did nothing". "The text I sent you,that's why". "George forget that we are here now and we can have a good time".

You all talk for a bit and then a lady comes in and says that the visit time is over and that Sapnap can go home, as long as he stays with someone. "When can George come home" you ask. "He will.... two more days and he can go home". You look at George and make a sad face.

Sapnap gets out of the car and goes inside while you and Dream take the groceries out of the car. You go inside Dreams house and start packing out the groceries. Sapnap comes out of the bathroom and sits down by the kitchen island.

You notice that he is stearin at you. "Why are you stearin me Sapnap". "I'm not stearin at you, I'm just looking at the delicious food". You sigh and look at sapnap with and disappointing face.

Dream burst in the door with his hand full of groceries and asks "Have you seen my phone?". "Nope" you say and look at Sapnap. "Don't look at me I haven't seen it".

"Well then I forgot it at the hospital" Dream say and walks out the door. "Wait, can I come with you" " No y/n you need to stay here with Sapinapi".

Dream close the door and now its only you and sapnap. "So what do you wanna eat, Sapnap" you say and look at him annoyed."I wanna eat you" he say and smile. "WTF SAPNAP GE- ".

"I was just kidding, can you make me pancakes". I can, you say mad and start making the pancake mix.

You ask Sapnap if he can go and get your phone while you finish making the pancakes. Sapnap stands up and walk over to you purse and start looking your phone. He finds your phone and see the texts you got from George.

He walks over to you and read one of the messages out loud. "I wish I could kiss you just one more time". He looks up at you shocked and ask "ARE YOU TWO DATING".

You turn red and say "No we aren't if we were I would have told you a long time ago, now let's eat these pancakes before they get cold".

Sapnap sits down and ask you "Be honest with me now, are you dating". "No we aren't dating Sapnap". "Then why did you kiss" he ask. It's quiet he asks again it's still quiet.

The door opens and Dream comes inside. "I found my pho- pancakes" he runs over to the table and start eating. Dream really saved me right now you think and smile.

Dream and you clean up after you ate up the pancakes while Sapnap went to bed. "Dream I'm going home tomorrow so that I can get clothes and that stuff". "Okay, just remember to be safe" You smile and go upstairs to your room. You talk on FaceTime with George before going to bed.

George hang up after some hours and you almost fell asleep when you heard someone knocking on you door. You sit up and say "Who is it". "It's me, Sapnap, can I come in".

"Yes you can". Sapnap opens the door and walk over to your bed. "What is it?"you say in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing I just can't sleep so I thought if I got a hug maybe it would help".

You look at Sapnap and shake your head. You give him a hug and a kiss him on his cheek. He smiles and walk out of your room. You lay down and immediately fall asleep.

You wake up because of the alarm you set, you turn it off and try sitting up. But you can't, you feel something around your waist.

You turn around and see Sapnap. "H-how did he get here he left my room, or did he, yes he did". You are confused, and scared, you don't remember anything, just that he left and you laid down in your bed.

You slowly get up and go to the bathroom. You take on some music and get to the shower. You get out and take off the music.

You open snap and see that George sent you a snap. You open it and see him with a stupid filter so you find an stupid filter and sent it to him.

You put your clothes on and rush to your car. You start driving home, you stop by an store to buy something for breakfast. You find a sandwich and juice and pay for it. You sit down in your car and start eating the sandwich.

Your best friend call's you. You answer and say hi. "Y/n can I come over I need your help" she say with an crying voice. "Yes of course, but what happened with you, Sarah". "I will tell you when I get to you" she say and hang up. You still had an hour left before you got home.

You drive as fast as you can, but carful so that you don't get in a car crash like George and Sapnap did.

You finally arrive at your house and see Sarah sitting on your front porch crying-

I will end this here.

That's all.


George X y/n Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon