Road trip.1

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I'm sorry if there is any mistakes, sometimes I forget some letter cuz I write fast and I'm too lazy to read through the whole story :p

WARNING: Guys I lied there is some cringe stuff in this chapter too, I'm so sorry and just know that I also cringed okay now bye enjoy :p

Two hours pass and George finally finish talking with Quackity. He goes out of the room and see you laying on the couch.

He takes his phone up and takes a picture of you. He giggle and say "you are so cute". He sits down beside you and wakes you up.

"Hello sleeping princess" he say and bop you on your nose. You are still mad at him and George notice it. "Why are you mad" he say confused.

"It's just that you promised me to spend time with me today and you just  talked with the boys". He give you a hug and say "Well we can maybe fix your dresser.

You smile and nod. George goes and find the  tools you need while you open the box with the dresser stuff. You two spend hours to make the dresser because you joke around with stuff.

You finally finish building the dresser, George  lay down in the bed and you put your clothes in the dresser.

You see George smiling to the phone, you sight and continue packing out of your bag. You finish and change to your pajamas.

You lay down in the bed and turn you back to George. George looks at you and sight. He puts his phone away and lay down beside you, he place his hand on your hip.

His hand is cold, you feel shivering spread through your body. He pull you closer to him and play with your hair.

You fall asleep immediately.

"I don't understand why you are mad at me but I promise you will regret being mad at me tomorrow" he say and continue playing with you hair until he fall asleep.

You wake up next morning and see George packing his clothes in a bag, you see that your bag is full too even tho you remember that you packed out your stuff.

"Oh y/n your awake" he say and continue packing his stuff.

"George what are you doing" you ask but he doesn't answer. You sit in the bed confused. You ask him multiple times but he doesn't answer, you decide to ignore him so you pick up your phone and scroll through social media.

George takes the bags and go out of the house, he place the bags inside someone's car and go back up to yours room.

"Y/n change you clothes and come with me". You ignore him, he say it again but you still ignore him. He walks over to you and say "I'm saying this one last time change your clothes".

You ignore him again. He looks at your nightstand and see your sleeping mask.

George takes the mask and put it on you, he picks you up and walk out of the house. "George what are you doing" you say with a mad voice.

He doesn't answer, you try taking off the mask but he hold his hand on top of it so you can't take it off. You still have your phone in your hand so you try calling Dream or Sapnap but George hear you unlocking the phone and take it from you.

You give up and just wrap your hands around him. He opens the car door and place you down on the seat, he takes your seatbelt on and close the door.

You panic a little but hear the door open from the other side and George say "We are ready now".

You feel the car move, you still have the mask on. "George can I take off my mask now" you say. "No".

You sit still and quiet for one minute and then say "George where are we going and why can't I take off my mask".

"Y/n just sit down and wait for seven hours and then you will know".

"Seven hours! No I'm taking this mas-".

"Okay okay I will tell you". He is silent, he doesn't say anything, just his hand on your face.

"GEORGE WHERE THE HONK ARE YOU TAKING ME JUST ANSWER FOR FUC-". "Okay I will tell you just stay calm".

"How am I supposed to stay calm when I don't even know where I am or anything" you say almost crying.

George notice your shaking, he takes your hand and say "Y/n you know when we were talking about buying a camper with Quackity and Olivia".

You just nod and he continue talking "Well I was talking to Quackity all day yesterday about buying tents instead and surprise you and Olivia but you got mad at me and I understand, I promised to spend time with you but I didn't.

So we told Olivia about everything and did this but I didn't expect you to get this scared". You lean in for a hug and ask George "Can I take off the mask now".

He giggle and say "No". You sit back up and face your head towards the car window. "Y/n I was just kidding". You take off your mask and look at him and the you look in the front of the car and see Quackity driving the car and Olivia in the passenger seat.

You look down at you pajama and the at George "Gogy I need to change into some clothes". Everyone laugh at you and you blush.

"Y/n I can stop at this gas station and you can go and change clothes" Quackity say and look in the mirror to see you.

"Thank you" you say and smile in a awkward way.

Quackity drives down to the gas station and stops the car beside the fuel pump. "Olivia will you come with me" you ask her and she says "okay" and smile.

"George what am I going to change into".

"I took my sweats and this T-shirt on our way out so you had something to change in to" George say and give you the clothes.

You take it with you and go to the bathroom with Olivia while Quackity and George fill up the car.

You change and Olivia wait outside for you. You open the door and see Olivia on her phone. Olivia notice you got out of the bathroom and smile, you smile back.

"Should we buy something to drink" Olivia nod and you two take a monster and a pack of chips for everyone.

You and Olivia go back to the car and see Sapnap and Dream talking with Quackity and George, you two look at each other and laugh.

"Hi Sap and Dream" you say and give them a hug. "Hello y/n and....." they both look at Quackity and back at Olivia.

"QUACKITY DONT SAY THAT IS YOU GIRLFRIEND" Dream say shocked. Quackity is shy but say "well it is, this is Olivia".

Olivia smile and does the little wave. "Well we need to go now, we can't waist time" George say and go back to the car.

Everyone says bye and you are now back on the road. You drive for about twenty minutes and you are looking out of the window, you look back because you recognized something.

You look back because you recognize something. "Wait isn't that the way in to my neighborhood" you think to yourself and look back again. "Oh- It is" you smile and turn your head back when you see a car behind you not that it's weird but the car looks familiar.

"George isn't that Sapnap's car?". George looks back and say "It looks like it but the guy in the car does not look like Sapnap".

"Yeah your right, Sapnap don't have a beard" you giggle and lay down at George's shoulder. He lay his head on your head and you two fall asleep.

Olivia looks back at you two and see you sleeping, she looks at Quackity driving and then back at you. She smiles and take a picture of you and George sleeping.

I don't want this chapter to be longer than the others so pt.2 to this chapter is coming up rn :)

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