Chapter 2.!

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Casey's POV
I woke up to Brett asleep with her head on my chest her legs on top of mine one of her hands on the side of my face and the other one on my chest. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through social media and my messages I hadn't checked while rubbed her back. I felt her start moving so I looked down to see her ocean blue eyes.

Casey- good morning gorgeous
Brett- morning
Casey- sleep okay
Brett- I sleep amazing did you
Casey- actually this amazing blonde blue eyed girl let me in her house and I had a a amazing night
Brett- mm tell me more
Casey- well she is gorgeous she has this beautiful laugh and smile she is a amazing at cuddles
Brett- mmmm
Casey- and her body is amazing
Brett- *laughs* your not right
Casey- mwah we got work
Brett- 10 more minutes
Casey- Brett
Brett- please just 10 more minutes

I laid down and cuddled her when ten minutes passed I got up.

Casey- time up
Brett- no
Casey- come on get up
Brett- no
Casey- we when get to work I will sneak you into my quarter lock the door and we will lay in the bed
Brett- okay

Bretts POV
We got ready for today and headed to work. I arrived before him so I got the parking spot.

Casey- BRETT
Brett- it says Captain 81 or PIC
Casey- really
Brett- my parking spot is almost done
Casey- UHHHH
Stella- that was wrong
Brett- nah no it wasn't
Brett- I hate that name
Brett- yes Kelly
Kelly- okay you know Casey is like my brother he is my best friend but
Brett- mmm I see your ready for him to move out
Kelly- no no not that I like having a roommate it's just he wants to move out
Brett- why
Kelly- cause he said he wants a life that doesn't involve me yelling at him to wake up at 4am like what the hell what else am I supposed to do
Stella- go to sleep
Brett- you want me to convince him to stay
Kelly- yeah Stella falls asleep early so I'll just be bored or ask him why he is really moving out
Casey- yeah
Brett- I need to ask you something can we step over there
Casey- k

We walked behind the trucks and I leaned against the door of 81.

Brett- why you moving out
Casey- Kelly told you... I said I might
Brett- why
Casey- I just want a place by myself
Brett- mmmm
Casey- what
Brett- you barely spend time by yourself Casey so the truth
Casey- I don't know why I've been thinking about it a lot lately
Brett- mmm how about you wait 3 to 4 months and by then we can talk about moving in can you just stay with him he doesn't want you to leave
Casey- *smiles* fifne he put you up to this
Brett- no E
Casey- mmm
Brett- fine yes he did
Casey- I thought so

He walked inside and I went to squad threes table.

Brett- I got him to stay this mean you owe me
Kelly- yes ma'am

The intercom went off and me and Mackey jumped into the ambulance and I took off. We got there and ran inside but when we got there it was a murder scene till a little girl and boy crawled from under the dead mom and brother. They looked three years old so I picked them up and we walked outside and called it in soon enough Hailey and Jay rolled up.

Hailey- hey I'm Detective Hailey can you tell me your names
Brett- this is my friend you can tell her... I promise she's nice... you want proof... here this is her she's funny you like fun people
Coco- mmmmhhhmm
Brett- can you tell me your names
Coco- Coco
Brett- thats gorgeous what about him
Calvin- Calvin where is my mommy she go trip she come back
Kim- is this your mommy
Calvin- no she Auntie she help daddy
Kim- okay Ima make sure I find your mom
Coco- mmmhhhhmm

I tried giving them to Hailey and Kim but they held my neck tight.

Coco- no I don't want you to go
Brett- I'll take them to med and take them to 51
Hailey- me and Jay will be over soon
Brett- k

I rode with them in the back to med and when we left there we went back to 51.

Stella- hey heard about the call
Mackey- two of the kids faked dead only three their twins Coco and Calvin
Brett- I'm not going anywhere I'm just getting out there we go
Calvin- upie
Brett- k
Boden- who's this
Brett- Coco and Calvin Walker
Coco- mmmmm
Brett- these are my friends they are super nice and sweet I promise we have a puppy and guess what he has chocolate
Calvin- chwoclate
Boden- Yep
Casey- Hey

Coco looked at Casey and raised her arms so he picked her up.

Casey- you make friends easil
Calvin- pup
Ritter- this is Tuesday
Calvin- *giggles*
We took them inside and they played with the puppies. After two hours Hailey and Jay came by and asked the twins some questions. They stayed four 5 hours till there mom came into the firehouse.

Daniela- Sylvie Brett Gianna Mackey
Brett- thats us
Daniela- Daniela Walker mmm Detective Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton told me my kids were here
Brett- yeah they are.. they are asleep I can go get them

Brett- there she is
Daniela- baby girl baby boy
Coco- we go home
Daniela- we are going to stay with Uncle for a while
Calvin- K
Daniela- can you say thanks
Coco- thank you
Calvin- thanks you
Coco- mwah love you guys
Calvin- mwah bye love you guys
Brett- bye bye
Coco- mommy we comes back to see em
Daniela- sure we will have to come visit again
Calvin- he have big truck
Daniela- he does
Calvin- that one 81
Daniela- that is big
Calvin- I sit in it
Daniela- thats so cool I'm jealous
Calvin- it's okay mommy I give cuddles to you
Daniela- that sounds amazing Cal

They left and we all sat down in the common room and talked. When shift was over we went out ways. I went home and Casey came to my place. I was laying on the couch when he picked me up and sat me on his lap. I buried my head in his chest and he rubbed my back.

Casey- I love you
Brett- love you to
Casey- they'll be okay
Brett- yeah
Casey- what you wanna do
Brett- just lay here with you watching movies
Casey- I love the sound of that

He turned a movie on and we laid on the couch ordered dinner when we were done eating we sat on the couch all night watching movies laughing and talking.

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