Chapter 14.!

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Bretts POV
I was asleep when I woke up with pain in my stomach.

Brett- *gasp* *cries* UHHHHH

Casey- BABY


I sat up and leaned over the over the bed. Suddenly I felt wet and I looked down to see water on the floor and my belly had dropped.

Brett- my water broke

Casey- Ima call Violet she's working at 51

Brett- k

Casey called Violet and then we cleaned the water up. I buried my head in his chest and he picked me up and went to grabbed the hospital bag. When Violet knocked on the door I laid on the bed and Casey went and opened the door. Gabby and Violet arrived and we got to the ambulance and my whole body was burning.

Violet- how you doing

Brett- good how you doing

Violet- this isn't about me it's you Sylv

Brett- what's his name.... Bryan a doctor

Violet- mmhhhmm a cute one

Brett- and baby

Violet- Paisley two weeks old

Brett- and your already at work

Violet- and feeling good

Brett- Gallo

Violet- imagine picking him up and his fiancé and her not knowing I was his ex

Brett- we will talk about that later

Violet- right now I need you to relax and Ima call ahead.. Maggie

Maggie- Hey Violet

Violet- Brett is on her way in her water broke

Maggie- Nat Bryan

Bryan- yeah

Maggie- Sylvie is one her way in

Natalie- I'm in charge

Bryan- you was in charge yesterday I want my time to be in charge

Natalie- my patient and Mackey was my patient and Chole

Bryan- copy that Violet... hell is hot

Natalie- see you down there

Brett- it hurts to move

Violet- I can help you with that

Brett- busy night

Violet- actually no

Brett- is that fire truck sirens

Casey-.... yeah... 51,81 and Squad three... Cruz is having way to much driving that truck

Brett- *cries*

Casey- baby

Violet- you okay Brett

Brett- I don't know why I'm crying

Violet- it's the adrenaline kicking in that's all

Brett- I don't like it

Violet- I didn't either... you okay

Brett- wooo... mmmm

Violet- Brett look at me are you okay

Brett- I can't breathe *gasp for air*

Violet- sped up

Gabby- copy that

A Brettsey Love Story.!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora