Chapter 13.!

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This is a very short chapter but I wanted to get a chapter out there.!
Bretts POV
I took maternity today and I actually felt good just my back was hurting. Casey finally came home and I was getting ready for the appointment. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I had him lift my stomach up which helped my back. After couple minutes he let go and that weight hit my back again which hurt like hell. I squeezed his hands and put my head on his chest.

Brett- mmmm

Casey- you good baby

Brett- mmm that weight hit me

Casey- come here

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Casey- mwah

Brett- who took my place

Casey- Dawson took yours Shay took Mackey's and Mills is still covering for Kidd

Brett- k

He grabbed my phone and he walked downstairs. When we got to the mud room I slipped on my shoes and I sat there for a minute.

Casey- you okay bebe

Brett- mmm yeah just Braxton Hicks nothing to bad mmmmm

Casey- hey look at me babe you sure

Brett- mmhhhmm

He rubbed my stomach and kissed me. After five minutes the pain went away and we headed to the truck. When we got to med we went to the OB floor and Nat called us in. I did my vaginal exam then she left I put my clothes back on and she came back in and did my ultrasound. She showed us their growth and we heard their heart beat.

Natalie- okay you ready

Brett- yeah

Natalie- baby A... is a... baby boy and baby B is a... baby Girl

Casey- *kisses Brett*

Natalie- he get one of each I'ma go get the pictures

Brett- k.... we are having a girl and boy

Casey- yeah we are baby

Brett- *smiles* I love you

Casey- I love you to

Casey wiped the gel off my stomach then rubbed my stomach.

Brett- Maddison and Mason

Casey- *chuckles* Baby we got time

Brett- or

Casey- *kisses Brett* *smiles* we got time baby

Brett- yeah

Casey- but we are having two of one

Brett- which makes us equal

Casey- yes it does

Natalie- here you go

Casey- thanks

Natalie- I'll see y'all in three weeks congrats

Brett- thanks

We left med and went to Molly's and stayed a while. We left after three hours. We ended up back at home and I washed then started getting ready while Casey washed. Casey came out the bathroom and I was leaning over the bed. He laid his hand on my back and rubbed it.

Casey- talk to me

Brett- got a Braxton Hicks*cries* uhhhh mmmmmm

Casey- hey baby

Brett- Nat said they would get bad right about now but... Mmmmmm

Casey- hey lay down baby lay down... Brett hey

I stood up and held Casey's hand. I laid on the bed bent my legs up and opened them. Casey sat in front of me he put my legs on his thighs and pushed on my stomach a little. The pain went away a little.

Casey's POV
It was only 8pm but I knew she was tired especially with the pain. So I pressed on her stomach and when the Braxton Hicks went away I massaged the top of her thighs and I massaged her hips. She dozed off a hour later so I pulled the covers on top of her and laid beside her. I felt bad she was going through all of this especially when she fears physically pain but I knew it would all be worth it in the end. I watched TV till I dozed off with the babies ultrasound pictures beside me.

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