Chapter 20.!!!!

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Bretts POV

Me and Casey had finally reached the Bahamas where we rented a house over the water for our honeymoon. All the floors were made of glass and you could see the ocean and the fish. We walked outside and the water wasa gorgeous blue color. I felt Casey's arms around my waist making me relax into his body. He kissed my neck and I smiled.

Casey- so warm

Brett- yeah feels amazing makes your feel calm relaxed but you do a way better job at relaxing me

Casey- *kisses Brett* well maybe you need to relax

Brett- mmhhhmm

We kissed me and we walked back into the house closing the door behind us. We got to our room and he laid me on the bed and got above me. An hour and a half went by and he laid beside me and I laid my head on his arm and my leg on his waist. He rubbed my side and my head.

Brett- *smiles* your amazing

Casey- and your gorgeous Sylvie Kayla Brett Casey

Brett- I love the sound of that

We laid there for a while then I sat up with the sheets around my body,

Brett- okay baby we gotta get up

Casey- no baby

Brett- yes

I threw his shirt on and threw him his boxers. He put them on and he got out of

Bed. I went and looked around the place and found a room with a hot tub and a pool. I closed the door and walked where he was. I watched him scrolling through the channels. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

Brett- no TV

Casey- okay what do you wanna do

Brett- explor

Casey- we can explore

We got changed into our bathing suits and found the jet skis. We went riding then we went surfing and swimming. We shared laughs, hugs, smiles and a lot of kisses. By the time we got back to our place and washed and got dressed it was 6pm. So we went to dinner. It was just us on this small island.

Casey- okay do you want another baby

Brett- right now

Casey- no no eventually

Brett-... yeah a baby boy but a girl is fine to

Casey- names

Brett- Hayden Alayna or Kaylee Grace for a boy Jayce

Casey- I like those..... Kaylon Paige or Brylee Grace for a boy... Easton

Brett- I like those... okay you said I have a soft touch.... So favorite way I touch you

Casey-..... Either your kisses or... there's so many.... When you slowly slid your hand down my waist

Brett- you told me you hated that

Casey- so you would do it more often how about you

Brett- either your kisses, hugs or thigh rubbing any kid of rubbing I would say

Casey- what song do you think of when you think of me

Brett- Bones by Marren Morris that's just one... maybe Heaven by Kane Brown

Casey-... Perfect by Ed Sheeran or.... Bless the broken roads by someone I can't remember

Brett- what's one thing about me you may not know and want to know or one thing you know about me but wanna know why

A Brettsey Love Story.!Where stories live. Discover now