chapter 3

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Keith Sadies scans the trainees, before noticing a short blond boy, known as Armin.

Keith: Hey you!

Armin: *solutes* Yes sir!

Keith: What's your name?

Armin: *shouting*Armin Arlert from Shiganshina District, sir!

Keith: Oh yeah? Sounds like a name for a fool! Who picked it? Your parents?

Armin: *still shouting* My grandfather named me, sir!

Keith: Arlert, what're you doing here?

Armin:*still shouting* To help humanity win, sir!

Keith: Well, good for you! You'll make great fodder for the titans! *grabs armins head* Row three! Turn around!

Keith turns Armin around, before going to the next Cadet. Another blonde guy, with short hair, and some short sideburns.

Keith: What is your name?

Thomas: Yes, sir. I'm Thomas Wagner from Trost District!

Keith: Speak up!

Two higher ups are seen walking past the lines of cadets and commandant.

???: He's at it again. You went through that, didn't you?

???2: Brings back memories.

Keith is now seen yelling at a shorter girl with long straight back hair, and no bangs.

Keith: -No, you're from the pig pen! And you're lower than livestock!

Girl: Yes, sir! I'm lower than livestock!

Keith: No! You're a dung beetle!

???2: What's the point in intimidating them?

???: It's a rite of passage. He peels away every insecurity you have, then builds you up from scratch into a soldier. It's a necessary step.

The second man notices that Keith skips over, a few, familiar faces.

???2: Oh. He didn't pick on some of them.

???: They have already gone through this rite of passage. They saw hell two years ago. They have a different look. Come on, let's go.

Keith locks eyes with Y/n for a second, before moving on to the next person. Y/n watches as Keith continues to yell at recruits, this recent one, being Jean Kristen.

Jean: I'm Jean Kristen from Trost District!

Keith: What're you doing here?

Jean: I want to join the military police and live in the interior.

Y/n rolls his eyes after hearing what the horse-face said.

Keith: That so? You want to go to the interior?

Jean: Yes-

Suddenly commandant Keith headbutts Jean, causing him to crouch and hold his forehead in pain.

Keith: Who said you can sit?! If you can't suck it up here, how do you expect to make it in the Military Police?!

The commandant began to walk away snarling? Y/n then began to zone out a bit as the commandant began to yell and another cadet named Marco. After a few minutes Keith walked up to another cadet named Connie Springer, and picked him up by his head with ease before dropping him on the ground, all because he did the salute backwards. Suddenly, a loud crunch is heard, as everyone looks to see a brown haired girl is seen eating a potato like there's nothing happening.

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