Chapter 8

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I helped mom clean the kitchen, and got the OK to go out tonight. Sundays were for homework, anyway

I went through my cloths, looking for something to wear tonight. I had no idea what we were gonna do, but I was ok with figuring it out as we went. That's usually what we did anyway. No need to figure anything out.

7:30 rolled around that evening, and I was ready to go. I'd kept my hair up in a ponytail, and decided to rock my dad's old Boston shirt from when he was in college, my favorite torn jeans (that I wasn't allowed to wear to school), and a pair of red, green, and blue tie dye looking Doc Martens. I paired it with my usual favorite black eyeshadow and red lipstick. It was early enough that I figured I was good just leaving, but sneaking back in was going to be the hard part. I'd just have Sean leave the backdoor unlocked for me. This isn't the first time this has happened.

"Ok mom, I'm leaving!" I yelled as I came downstairs, "See you later Dad!"

"Be home by midnight!" Mom yelled after me.

"Do my best!" I said, grabbing my keys, and bolting out the door before either of my parents could comment on my answer.

A few minutes later, I was at Alice's house, knocking on her front door. I shoved my hands in my pockets while I waited on someone to answer the door. Alice's mom answered.

"Evening Mrs. Poynter," I said.

"Well, good evening Eudoxia, come on in. Alice said she was expecting you."

"Thanks," I said, stepping inside. Alice came down just then.

"Hey Doshi!" She said.

"Hey!" I answered.

"Now, you know th drill, be good, and be safe," Alice's mom said.

"Of course, mom," Alice said.

"And I know it's Saturday night, but don't be out too late."

"I know mom..." Alice said, her tone that embarrassed annoyance kids have when they know mom means well.

"I won't be too bad of an influence," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Alice and her mom smiled.

"You never are, Eudoxia," her mom said. "Just remember, Church in the morning."

"I know, I won't be out all night."

"Good. You girls have fun!"

"We will, love you mom."

"Love you too!"

We headed out trying to figure what we should do for the night.

"OK, I'm hungry," I said.

"Steak n Shake?" Alice suggested.

"Don't have to tell me twice," I replied.

"Awesome," Alice said.

"I'll buy since you covered me last time," I said.

"Awe thanks, Doshi."

"Don't mention it."

We chit chatted on the way, with one of my favorite mixtapes going in the background. We laughed and carried on, until we got to the restaurant in what seemed like no time at all. Even that seemed normal for us. Alice and I had known each other so long there wasn't much that we didn't do or discuss. But that's when the convo took a turn.

"You know, Doshi," she said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I answered, without hesitation. Why wouldn't I love her? I mean, we've known each other almost out whole, young lives.

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