Chapter 4

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I got home that evening, after about an hour of driving around, thinking about things. I liked to drive out to the country, and get myself "lost" to think about things for a little bit. Liam always threw me for a loop, no matter what happened.

It was near 8 when I got in, and as soon as I did, I heard my mom shout across the house.

"And just WHERE have you been young lady?" She was in the kitchen from what I could tell.

"Out," was all I said, not giving her any details.

"You had us worried sick, not coming home after school and not calling to let us know where you were," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you were terrified for my safety," I said, my tone thick with sarcasm.

"Don't take that tone with me!" My mom answered. I shrugged. Whatever. I didn't care, or believe one ounce of it. I took my bags up to my room, dropped them in there, and then ran down to the basement, where my dad had his own set up.

My mom and I had never been close. We butt heads from the time I was little. Come to think of it, I butt heads frequently with both of my parents. But, my dad and I, on the other hand, got along well. Even if I sometimes felt like he sold out. But he said I reminded him a lot of himself at my age. I liked to think he meant that as a good thing.

"Hey dad," I said, flopping down on the leather couch he had in the room. He looked up from his work (He often brought it home with him, and worked well into the night), and smiled a bit at me.
"Well, look who decided to grace us with their presence," he said. I smiled back.
"Yeah, ended up being out and about after school, by surprise."
"Stay out of trouble?"
"...kind of?" I said.
"Kind of?"
"I went to Liam's."
"Ah, now I understand. Are you 2 back together again?"
"I don't know, maybe?"
"Doshi, I thought you were done with him for good, after what happened this summer."

Yeah I didn't tell you exactly why we were "off." I'll get to that.

"Space helps, I guess," I said.
"It can," my dad said, "but my guess is you aren't quite sure how you feel about that. If you were, you wouldn't be down here talking to me right now."
"Yeah, I guess you're right about that," I said.
"You know what I think about the situation."
"I need to 'leave the boys alone and focus on my music and my school. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I can't sacrifice my future for a boy.'"
"Do I really sound that nerve grating when I say it?"
"Truthfully? Yes." Dad laughed a bit.
"Well, I don't mean to, but I stand by what I say. You have a lot of potential, Eudoxia. Whatever you decide to choose, you will do well. But you have to focus."
"I know you're right, but it's not that easy," I said, "Liam and I have...grown up together. And we've been through a lot together."
"You have a valid point," my dad said, "but don't hinge your worth or your quality of life on having him. You're a strong person, Eudoxia. You can make it on your own."

"I know but..."

I stopped myself there. I already knew where this was going. My dad was going to try and talk me out of being with Liam...or anyone for that matter. It wasn't like he was one of those super strict all for his daughter being pure parents. I think deep down he had a hard time admitting his and my mom's marriage was a mistake, and his insistence on me focusing on my work, whatever that was, was a way to keep me from going down his same path. And I get it. He isn't wrong. The biggest favor anyone can do for themselves is to not run head first into a relationship. Be responsible. And pick the right person (I know, that begs a whole different question, but for now, go with me).

I can't say I felt I had been the most responsible today, but I didn't feel like I had been negated either. I certainly didn't regret it. I cared a lot for Liam. Even if...

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