Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – Halloween Eve

The next two weeks FLEW! Between school, work, and two extra rehearsals a week (Dad took my side on that one), it was insane. But, I felt alive. Things were moving right along.

I was finishing up college applications, too. I had applied to probably 10 or 15 different schools all over the nation. And there were audition tapes for each and every one. I couldn't make the live auditions, but dad made sure the videos looked awesome. He called in a few favors. My band director helped me pick the music. Well, most of it. I played along to "Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie. It was what I called my "theme song" ever since middle school. My dad and I used to rock out together to that song when I was a kid. It was a very formative song for me. It may not be the most technical song, but it was "my" song. I did a lot of other technical stuff anyway. Plus, with jazz vibraphone, a timpani solo, a few classical marimba piece,s and a xylophone rag, I was set. Let me have David Bowie.

Of course, the worst part was waiting. I guess we were supposed to find out from most of the schools between December and February. So it was hanging tight in the mean time.

Speaking of meantime, I had a concert to get ready for. It was the big day!

I had to close Friday night at work (ew) and knew I'd spend all day getting ready on Saturday. Mom and dad knew I wanted extra rehearsal time, and that I had a gig somewhere, but I was vague on the details. Just told them I'd be setting up in someone's garage, which was true. I just didn't tell them the details. After we rehearsed Saturday morning, it was on to getting ready.

Thankfully we had 3 bathrooms in our house, as well as my room, so we were set on space. But we had so much to do! I didn't want to look like I did every day. I wanted to look like I could kick your ass, then put out a cigarette on it when I was done. This was our chance to make our mark as a band, and not just as those weird kids at school. I guess a lot of people were going to be there. And I had a feeling I might not be making it to school in the morning. Not like I was shooting for perfect attendance anyway.

We spent the afternoon shouting across the house for eyeliner and hair ties. I wore my usual black eyeshadow and red lipstick but added a ton of glitter. And of course, my Bowie shirt, my favorite jeans, and the blazer Liam gave me. We all played up how we looked.

Alice made sure her hair was super straight and rocked her faded WIldcat little league t-shirt that she still somehow managed to still fit. She paired it with a pair of ripped up jeans, and her favorite Chucks. Charlotte loved her Bohemian skirts, and opted for a yellow one with pink flowers all over, and a white off the shoulder peasant blouse she found on our thrift shop hunt. Val went classic: ripped up jeans, a white fitted t-shirt and black leather biker jacket. For once, we looked very "us" and it was a nice change of pace.

We told the kid we were playing for we'd get there a bit early to set up. They didn't seem worried about it. I guess mom and dad skipped town Thursday and wouldn't be back until Monday. So, we could show up whenever we wanted to. That definitely made it easier.

We got to the kid's place about 6. We knew people wouldn't be showing up until later, but I wanted to be early and make sure everything was ready. And, a little extra practice never hurt.

It took about 2 hours to get everything set up. This house was HUGE. We were setting up in the basement, which really just looked like its own apartment. There was a kitchen, bathroom, everything. We had plenty of room to play! I was pleasantly surprised.

And REALLY fucking nervous.

I still wasn't sure why we were asked to play. It wasn't like we were anybody in the social scene in our school. Then again, it wasn't like there were a ton of kids in bands at our school either. Especially not punk bands. I mean, I felt like we had a long way to go before we could call ourselves much of anything. But that's just part of the process, right? I was just glad for the opportunity. I had a good feeling about all of this. After tonight, it'd only be onward and upward.

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