Chapter 3

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I picked Alice up for school the next morning, and we acted like nothing ever happened. It was weird, but good. The last thing I needed was everything to be awkward with my best friend. We had rehearsals again soon anyway.

I was planning on skipping boring you with all the details of my day, but, one crucial thing happened I think you really need to hear about. Liam showed up.

I thought it was weird he was oddly quiet yesterday. I mean I didn't see him at all. But he came around today. We were all sitting at lunch, talking like normal. Even Alice and I were still seemingly fine (though, I have this haunting feeling that we'd be revisiting this). And then I saw him walk up.

It was this weird mix of dread and excitement all in one. The side of me that wanted to make out with him was bludgeoning the side of me that said stay away. And then there was this inkling of "What about Alice?" It was...weird.

Usually when we were "off" it But this was different. It was off, but I could tell he didn't want it to be.

In a way, it wasn't a surprise. I had been the one to call it off. He had been way too much to handle this summer, what with his moods being up and down like they were. I mean, I loved him, sure, but...damn artists are hard to keep up with. Then again, I wagered I wasn't any better, and maybe that's why we clashed so badly.

I wasn't even looking for him when I ran into him. Literally. I was taking the back way through the art hall, on my way out of school that day. I had turned to look behind me for whatever reason, when I collided with someone. As I fell back on the floor, I looked up, and there he was. My stomach flipped.

"Eudoxia?" He said, once he shook himself back to reality. He survived the fall.
"Ow, yeah, the hell Liam?" I asked, struggling to sit up and collect my things. He crouched down to help me pick things up. Normally I'd scowl at him and tell him I could do it, refusing the help, but I was too disoriented to think of that.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"Nah, it's ok, neither was I," which, was true.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I struggled to get up. Liam offered his hand. I actually took it, this time.
"You sure you're ok, you're letting me help you with something," he said, smiling. I had to smile, and even blush a little bit.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just don't go advertising that fact," I said.
"I won't, scouts honor," he replied.
"When the fuck were you in boy scouts?"
"You have a point," he said. "You got any plans after school?"
"No, I don't go back to work 'til this weekend," I said.
"Wanna go get something to eat? I'll meet you there. I got a car just before school started."

I used to have to give him rides everywhere. Mostly because he was saving to get a car all last school year. Looks like it paid off.

"Yeah, that sounds great," I answered, "Cindy's diner downtown? If we hurry we can get there before they close."
"Cindy's sounds great," he said, "See you there."

Sandy's was a local diner that had been around since the 40's. It was almost like a time capsule, being little more than the size of a trailer with a counter, barstools, and a grill. But it was a local legend. Everyone had to eat there at least once. Especially if you are nostalgic for an era you didn't grow up in.

I saw Liam's car parked when I got there, and went in. He had a spot in the corner saved for us. I squeezed my way around the other patrons and stools and plopped down next to him. I had to admit, it was nice seeing him again.

"So, how are you?" he asked, smiling as I sat down. I smiled back.
"Good actually, better now that I am out of that hell hole," I said. He laughed a bit.
"You never have been much for school."
"I fucking hate it, if that's what you mean."
"It's not so bad, you get to see your friends, and take a few decent classes."
"It's too structured for me. Like fuck dude, I just wanna read books, write poetry and music, and drink coffee."
"That sounds like you," he said "I can't say I disagree either, but, it's worth finding the good in. I mean if we have to suffer through this year, may as well find something worthwhile about it."
"I guess you're right."
"Besides, it's off to college next year. Then we get to leave all this shit behind."
"Now that, I can get behind," I said smiling.

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