6 🦔

12 1 5


It was the next morning and Chan and I had slept til 12:30pm before fully waking up.

"Good morning" Chan said with a smile.

I smiled at him and got up to change.

I looked at my phone to see messages from the boys saying they were at a breakfast shop down the street from where I lived.

"Channie are we gonna go with them we have 15 minutes." I asked

"Uhh sure why not let me get changed" Chan said smiling

When we got there the guys had saved Chan and I a seat. We sat down hoping we didn't miss anything important.

"Hey guys sorry we were late" Chan told them

"It's fine Channie-hyung" Felix said

"Did you guys do anything?" Minho asked with a side eye

"Uhh-" I got cut off

"Yes we did" Chan interrupted "We watched movies all night and we talked about normal things"

"Ouh was that all?" Hyunjin asked curiously

"Yea" Chan giggled nervously

"Hmmm anyways let's eat" Jeongin said

After we ate everyone was full and we decided to take a hike. We had cameras with us this time and we all went as a group so we didn't leave anyone behind. I swore Jeongin and Changbin got lost at least four times throughout the recording.

After a few hours of recording everyone was tired. We all went back to our hotel rooms to rest. Chan and I were looking for tickets to get back to Korea because we needed to get back to do some work. We found some tickets that were only available for the next day. We needed a lot of ticket because we had the staff with us. But eventually we found the right amount for early the next morning.

I had told chan I was going home to tell my mom and sister goodbye before having to leave the next morning. He hugged me and staff drove me there. I said bye and quickly packed my bags to leave.

I got back to the hotel to see Chan sleeping. I looked at him and smiled. I went to the bed where he was sleeping and quietly crawled next to him. I got comfortable and started to fall asleep. I felt the bed move and it was Chan switching sides and he spooned me making me the little spoon. I felt very comfortable and happy to be with him. Soon I went to sleep.

"Y/N wake up we have to get ready to leave" Chan whispered but it didn't wake me up. "Y/n"

"Five more minutes" I whined

Chan smiled and let me be. While I was sleeping he packed my items and left my phone and charger out for me to deal with. Chan has put his sweater and his sweats out for me to change into for when it was time to leave.

"Y/n it's time to go" he said

"OH SHOOT" I yelled "I NEED TO PAck-...oh....awee Channie you packed for me" I whined and went to hug Chan.

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